Worthy Award
MOC gets $50,000 to continue services.
MOC News Release
New funds for the Molokai Occupational Center (MOC) will allow the continued employment of Molokai’s disabled and disadvantaged residents. MOC recently received a $50,000 award from the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) to be used for their Work Activity Service Program.
This program provides work training, rehabilitation and employment opportunities as well as valuable community services in a variety of fields. These include yard maintenance and landscape, janitorial, garment cleaning, car cleaning, and thrift store services. However, these services don’t usually generate enough revenue to pay for their employees.
In the spring of 2009, state legislature cut funding for MOC’s employment of the disabled and disadvantaged on Molokai. When those funds were discontinued, MOC struggled to continue providing the same services on a tight budget. The OHA award replaces the state funds, and will allow MOC to continue its mission for one more year.
MOC is dedicated to providing the community with quality services and increasing employment opportunities on Molokai. By using these services, you are also supporting the mission of providing opportunities for the island’s less fortunate.
For more information on MOC employment and services, call the MOC office at 553-3266.

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