What’s Up Maunaloa
Column by Aunty Kehau
Wow! The new Resident Manager of Nani Maunaloa is placing a lot of families into the homes. It’s great to see these houses filled and not being emptied for such a long period of time. Another benefit that comes with this is the increase in enrollment at our school. Keep up the good work Aunty Nicky, but please try to get some sleep! Maunaloa School has voted in the 2011-12 new officers for the Maunaloa School Community Organization, or MSCO. President is Kahana Dekneef, vice president is Omi Seumalo, secretary is Jessica Valdez and treasurer is Toni Yamamoto. They meet every second Wednesday of the month at the school office at 2:30 p.m.
Did you hear that there is a Choking Game on Molokai? Well your roving reporter got an email that was circulated to various churches regarding this horrible game among our keiki. I went to the website and saw a few videos on it and it is terrible. This is a website you can go and do more research on at chokinggame.net/chokinggameeducationalmaterial.html. Please take heed to this information and if you have keiki, please take the time to sit down and discuss this with them. Let us come together to save our keikis on Molokai from this deadly game before it’s too late. Mahalo for caring.
I thank the good Lord for sending my grandson Joshua back home safely after he fractured his right knee. With a cast on his leg, he needed to come home on the air ambulance from Oahu to Molokai. I can’t seem to understand why. Island Air cannot have at least one seat that has accessibility for those passengers wearing a leg cast? I understand that there are federal regulations that need to be followed but can you imagine if my grandson didn’t have medical coverage for this? Wow, a big bill, hotel expenses if there is no ohana on Oahu, expense, expense and more expense! So this roving reporter is doing a big shout out to all my representatives from the state and federal level. You gotta do something about this, this is not fair. This is the second time my grandson needed to be medi-vaced back home and I don’t want to see anyone else go through what my grandson had to go through. So who is going to step up to the plate and do something about it? Hey, you’ll get my vote.
A belated happy 15th birthday to Isaiah Espaniola and happy 49th anniversary to Ron and Mary Neale. This is your roving reporter Aunty Kehau closing with this thought of the day. Friends are of utmost importance. We love, trust, get hurt, sometimes get mad, but we love and trust anyhow because that’s the best way to let our friendship grow. Until my next article, take care, love one another and appreciate each day to the fullest with life and joy. A hui hou and malama pono.

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