What Is Molokai?
Contest hiatus.
Kids. Besides being just plain cute, they certainly have a knack for brilliance. Take Michelle McGuire’s entry from last week where she describes Molokai as “a blossom in the night and a flower in the day.” Ooh, chicken skin. Well, Michelle and her fourth grade classmates from Kualapu`u School earned enough votes to win not just one, but two $50 gift certificates to the Kualapu`u Cookhouse (if you’re all really nice, maybe Kumu Diane Abraham will make a field trip to get treats).
Kalae Arnold certainly deserves honorable mention who describes Molokai as a beautiful woman worthy of our love and respect. Respect to you brother for that one. All of last week’s entries are available online – have a look.
Molokai Is – Round 5
Mahalo to those who have entered for the next round. Yes, you will have an opportunity to vie for an unreal meal at the Kualapu`u Cookhouse – but the contest is going on break until April 28. In the mean time, try to capture how you feel about our great island. Each submission must include the full name, phone number, and photo of the contestant and no more than 150 words. Kids, ask your parents or teachers for permission. The Molokai Dispatch reserves the right to edit and print all submissions. Submit entries via email (Editor@TheMolokaiDispatch.com), in person at our Kaunakakai office (Moore building suite 5 – we can take your photo), or by snail mail (PO Box 482219, Kaunakakai, HI 96748). Mahalo for your participation.

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