Virtual Vet Services
I would like to share some exciting news that would benefit our island pets. Ali’i Animal Hospital on Oahu provides telemedicine services for pets with a licensed veterinarian seven days a week. Their hours are Monday to Saturday 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.Their caring staff will arrange an appointment time and the doctor will Spacetime to help with your needs. The fee for this appointment is $31.00 plus $1.80 tax. For information, phone Ali’i Animal Hospital 808-234-3441.
Elliott the cat on Molokai had his first virtual telemedicine appointment this week for a centipede bite that caused swelling and infection. His owner called the clinic at 7 a.m. and at 8:30 Dr. Cooke called back and on Facetime provided instructions on wound care to his owner and pre-scribed antibiotics. Days later Elliot the cat is much better.
I hope this service, available seven days a week, can help our pets when needed.
Mokulele Airlines’s policy does not allow sick or injured animals to travel on their planes for off-island vet appointments.
Juliana Patron

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