Veterans Corner
Community Contributed
By Jesse Church
Aloha all my fellow veterans and residents of Molokai, old Jesse here with all the veterans news and upcoming events.
Veterans, as you may or may not be aware, our doctor David Hafermann is retiring at the end of October. We have been very lucky to have him here on Molokai for a good many years, taking care of our aches and pains, and some very serious illness also, whenever we had a problem he has been there for us.
On Monday, Sept. 29, there was a meeting at the vet center with Wayne Pfeffer, the director for the VA Pacific Islands Health Care System, and there was a discussion about a clinic being here on Molokai. With the short time until Dr. Hafermann retires, hopefully a solution to the problem can be found. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know and I will pass it on to Mr. Pfeffer.
I want all veterans to know that Dr. Hafermann is not leaving the island; he will continue to live here on Molokai, so you will see him at the Vet Center, and veterans events. I join with all of Molokai’s veterans in saying thank you, Dr. Haftermann, you took good care of us, now Molokai will take care of you, mahalo. I know there are a lot of things you wanted to do, when you retired, so now you can start all the projects you have been wanting to do. We hope that you enjoy retirement, and we will see you at the veterans center. Molokai’s veterans are truly blessed to be able to say that you are a resident of Molokai.

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