Veterans Announcements
MVCV News Release
At the Molokai Veterans Caring for Veterans (MVCV) Board of Directors meeting on May 13, it was decided to open the Veterans Center five days a week, Monday through Friday, instead of Monday, Wednesday and Friday. So two more watch commanders are needed for Tuesday and Thursday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Duties are answering the phone, and questions, greeting visitors, and being a goodwill ambassador. The certified kitchen at the Veterans Center is now open for business. Call Allen at 553-8387.
A reminder that there will be a VA workshop at the Veterans Center on Saturday, June 20, from 9 a.m. to noon, so write these questions down, and you can talk to VA staff one on one.
Also a reminder that the MVCV will only be putting flags on veterans graves and if you have a loved one who is interred here on Molokai and would like to have a flag on your loved one’s grave, come to the Veterans Center and we will give you a flag to put on the grave.
The MVCV will sponsor a Memorial Service at the Ho`olehua Veterans Cemetery starting at 8 a.m. on Memorial Day, Monday, May 25. All are welcome.
Dave Hafermann will be attending a VA Doctors meeting in July. If you are having any problems with your VA medical care, please let the doctor know, and he will bring it up at the meeting, and try to get it resolved for you.

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