Vet Center Grand Opening Next Month
MVCV News Release
The Molokai Veterans Caring for Veterans (MVCV) board of directors held their monthly meeting last Wednesday. Vice Commander John “Longie” Dudoit announced that we have received our permanent certificate of occupancy from Maui County for the Veterans Center. It took eight years, is dated June 23, 2015 and is now framed on the wall at the Veterans Center for all to see.
With the certificate obtained, Commander Sam Makaiwi announced that the long-anticipated dedication and grand opening of the new space will take place on Friday, Aug. 14 at 10:30 a.m. All veterans and their families are cordially invited, as are the people of Molokai.
After a unanimous vote, the Veterans Center will start selling ice Monday through Friday for $2 per bag.
On Wednesday, July 15, Donn Mitsuyuk, Maui Veterans Employment Counselor, plans to visit the center to check it out for himself. If you would like to meet him, please feel free to stop by. On Tuesday, July 21, Darren Tumaneng, VA Benefits Representative, will be at the Veterans Center from 8 to 11 a.m. if you would like to talk to him, no appointment needed. On Tuesday, July 28, Mark Levno, Maui VA Counselor, will be here. If you would like to see him, call Maui to make an appointment at 808-213-5014.
Dudoit said the Veterans Center still needs a watch commander for Tuesdays, and they would also like to have two people for watch commanders to fill in as needed. Dudoit said he is also looking into the possibility of getting solar panels for the Vet Center, depending on the financial situation.
Makaiwi thanked all the elected officers and appointed department heads for all their hard work, and said without them, the MVCV would not be there it is today. The next board of directors meeting will be on Wednesday, Aug. 5 at 10 a.m.

It was not mentioned in this article but the new Vet’s Center has a beautiful brand new Health Dept. approved certified kitchen that is available for Molokai residents to rent to prepare their food for re-sale.