Tutu’s Corner
Column by Tutu and Me
In old Hawaii, kokua (to help willingly and without being asked) was an important aspect of a thriving ahupua`a or village. Everyone did their part to help build a house, grow crops, catch or collect food, care for the young and old, etc. Keiki can truly learn the value of kokua at a young age.At Tutu and Me Traveling Preschool, we practice this value when it’s clean up time, when everyone is happy and willing to pitch in and kokua.
Try this at Home
· Teach kokua by modeling the behavior. As you help your baby get cleaned up after a meal, say, “I’m helping you wipe your face/hands.”
· When you see your keiki doing something helpful, say, “You’re helping me put the food into the shopping cart, mahalo for your kokua.”
· Ask your keiki to help you around the house. Allow keiki to see that no matter what age or size they are, everyone can be helpful. They will feel empowered and eventually they will not hesitate to offer help without being asked.
Remember, keiki who learn to help without being asked will grow up to be adults who practice kokua.
`A`ohe hana nui ke alu `ia (No task is too big when done together by all).
Contributions from Tutu and Me Traveling Preschool, a program of Partners in Development Foundation. Tutu and Me is funded through a grant from the U.S. Department of Education.

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