Tutu’s Corner
Encouraging Children’s Creativity
Community Contributed
Column by Tutu and Me
Children are natural born creators! In their play, they are engrossed in the process of creating. Unfortunately, adults have become conditioned to be concerned with the final outcome or product.
To children, the very act of painting, drawing, dancing or singing is more important than finishing or making sure it is perfect. Children only care about the “final outcome” if they think that it is important to the adults in their lives. This, in turn, causes blockage to the free flow of creative expression.
At Tutu and Me Traveling Preschool, there are many opportunities for children to engage in creative artistic activities, such as indoor art, easel painting, writing, etc. The very act of trying out different things and using imagination is encouraged.
Try This at Home:
• Encourage your child in their attempts at artistic expression.
• Supply crayons, colored pencils, plenty of plain drawing paper (brown paper bags are excellent) for drawing lines, circles, happy and sad feelings, etc.
• Collect bits and pieces of fabric, cotton balls, stickers, ribbon etc. to create art.
• Let your child experiment with a paper punch and then use the dots to create something.
• Inspire art with art – put on some music and together with your child, draw or paint the way the music makes you feel.
• Keep singing! Sing familiar songs together — while working around the house, or riding in the car.
• Take time to rhyme – learn favorite poems/chants/ rhymes together.
• Make or buy puppets, and have the puppets tell stories.
• After reading to your keiki, talk to them about the story.
Remember: Letting children use their imaginations and express themselves creatively is an important part of early childhood development.
Contributions from Tutu and Me Traveling Preschool, a program of Partners in Development Foundation. Tutu and Me is funded through a grant from the U.S. Department of Education.

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