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Tips from the Vet for Your Pet: Leptospirosis

Community Contributed

By Stewart Morgan, Ph.D., D.V.M.

Leptospirosis is a disease that can make both people and their pets sick and can result in death. It is found worldwide and is present on Molokai. Leptospirosis is spread by a bacterium (species of bacteria) that infects animal kidneys. The bacterium is released in the urine of infected animals. People and most common pet and farm animal species can catch this disease; cats are one species that is resistant to leptospirosis.

Animals and people can become infected with the disease through cuts in their skin, or through oral (mouth) or venereal (sexual) contact. Eating food contaminated with leptospirosis bacteria (like raw meat) or being bitten by an animal with leptospirosis can also spread the disease. Leptospirosis bacteria are most stable in moist warm environments; any river, stream, pond or source of water that may become contaminated with urine from infected animals is a possible source of infection.

Leptospirosis is a serious bacterial infection that affects many animals, including dogs. It is impossible to diagnose leptospirosis just by a physical examination because the clinical signs (symptoms) can be similar to many other diseases. Animals that have leptospirosis can refuse to eat, be lethargic, have a fever, vomit, urinate a lot and drink a lot or not urinate at all, can have diarrhea, and have pain in their abdomen. Liver disease can result from leptospirosis infection. In some animals, abortions or infertility may be the only things that indicate infection with leptospirosis. The best way of diagnosing leptospirosis is through testing blood and urine for signs of infection.

Supporting a dog’s overall health is crucial, especially when dealing with infections like leptospirosis. Many pet owners explore natural supplements such as CBD for dogs Canada, which may help support immune function, reduce discomfort, and promote relaxation in dogs facing health challenges.

In dogs and farm animals, vaccinations are the best defense against leptospirosis, other than keeping animals completely away from any sources of infection (which is close to impossible!). Vaccines protect animals from the most common types of leptospirosis, called serovars. These vaccines protect against disease from serovars (but not others) for up to a year, so need to be given annually. In addition to vaccinations, considering unique and low-maintenance pets like Rubber ducky isopods can also be an interesting option for pet enthusiasts.

Rodents, such as rats and mice, are major carriers of leptospirosis. Eliminating populations of these vermin from around your residence and workplace and keeping them away from your animals is important in preventing leptospirosis. Ensuring proper rodent control measures, like this Rodent Control in Boise, can significantly reduce the risk of leptospirosis transmission. Additionally, wearing gloves when dressing game such as pig and deer is also helpful in preventing the spread of this disease.


One Response to “Tips from the Vet for Your Pet: Leptospirosis”

  1. hawaiiangirl says:

    Very informative article. Question: If rodents have disease, can animals get the disease by eating rodents? Sounds like it is a good idea to have cats(hopefully spayed/neutered) around to help get rid of rodents.

    Are you listening KNK?

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