Tech Show Success
Community Contributed
By Catherine Aki

Sixth grader Maile Sasada won first place at the Kualapu`u School Tech Show. She is pictured here with her family. Photo by Catherine Aki
The first annual Tech Show at Kualapu`u School was a success for everyone. The families of 35 students and a total of 142 people attended to view video projects and watched as students received awards. The awards were given out based upon peer review. Students created and choose the best projects based upon a rubric that evaluates their use of pictures, voice narrations, timing, use of music, titles with transitions and organization. They began these projects at the beginning of the year. This year we were able to set up enough computers so that students could show their parents their projects. As each student received their award, their video project was played for the crowd’s enjoyment. This year three Nooks were given out as prizes. Evelyn Haase was third place, Leelan Corpuz was second place and Maile Sasada was first place winner with an additional prize of a $50 gift certificate from Friendly Market.
I would like to thank the students for coming out and bringing their parents. Also thank you to all the teachers who collaborated on these projects in the classroom. Thanks to Kamalu Poepoe for being our MC again this year and Loke Han for being our Hostess and confirming the reservations. Marshall Joy and Hazel for helping organize the certificates and keeping them organized while they were handed out. Erlinda Santiago for all the candid shots and especially for bringing her camera when it looked like ours died. Joyce Haase for keeping track of all the ballots and counting them. Kehau Orlando Christie Lambert for helping with the set up. Pua Akaka for helping set up and breaking down. Special thanks to Tarrah Horner and Joran Dudoit for taking care of the food. And again Tarrah for all the last minute running round that the tech show seems to need. Dani Dela Cruz for helping them out. Kahiau Kahae for helping with laminating the certificates. David Lichtenstein for helping out beyond the duties of a sub. Earline Iaea for helping with our signs. Katina Soares for being our administrator with her warm smile congratulating the students and their achievements. A big, big thank you to Jared for keeping up with all the things that needed to be done. Thanks to Lydia Trinidad for providing the opportunity and support so that our students can have proud moments like these. It was a great event and thanks to everyone.

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