Teacher Memories
To my former eighth grade students at Molokai Middle School…It has been a great honor and a greater pleasure to have been your teacher this past school year. I hope I have been as good a teacher too you as you have been for me. You have taught me that a change in attitude can take a person a long, long way. You have helped change my life and helped make me a better teacher and person, and for this I am truly grateful.
The bitter sweet day that we had talked about has come. I smile with joy in your promotion in life but I am sad that our time has come to an end. We will see each other here and there, every now and then, and we will greet one another in the understanding of how special the other is.
As the summer continues and life passes on if you see me and I have this smile on my face, know that it’s there because I’m thinking of you. I can’t help but smile when I think of you and the memories we have made.
I’d like to end by saying in the language of ancestors, “anata wo wasurenai,” I will never forget you.
May God love you and keep you,
Michael Hino

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