
Tancayo Named MEO Employee of the Month

Photo courtesy of MEO

MEO News Release

Zantha-Angelica “Mela” Tancayo, who helped set up and develop the Youth Services’ Kaohi prevention program on Molokai, was recently named Maui Economic Opportunity Employee of the Month.
“Mela is a hard worker and goes above and beyond for the kids involved in the Kaohi program and is a great co-worker,” said Sydney Yap-Kalipi, a former colleague who nominated her for the honor.
MEO had identified substance abuse and suicide among youth on the island as issues needing to be addressed. In 2022 with a grant from the nonprofit Nuestro Futuro Foundation, MEO brought its Youth Services’ tobacco, vaping, alcohol, drug, bullying, and suicide prevention programs to Molokai. The program’s name, Kaohi, means “to prevent.”
Mela was hired in February 2022 as a coordinator to start Kaohi, which offers programs in school, after school and during fall, winter, spring and summer breaks. The out of school activities include peer leadership, college and career development, youth-driven activities, parental involvement, community activism, volunteerism and cultural activities.
Kaohi, which is offered without cost to youth, has been running successfully since spring 2022 and has intermediate and high school youth engaged in activities, such as sign waving to bring attention to suicide, working in taro lo’i, restoring fishponds and assisting with MEOʻs surplus food distribution.
For being named Employee of the Month for June, Mela earned a $150 check and an extra vacation day. She was honored at MEO’s general staff meeting on July 30.
For more information about Kaohi, contact Mela at (808) 553-5472.



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