Sustain Hawaii – Balancing Present & Future Needs
Help Make Hawaii Sustainable.
Communities across Hawai`i are confronting many quality-of-life challenges that accompany rapid growth. At the same time our elected leaders are struggling to make informed decisions about local agriculture, economy, environment, land-use, housing, education and energy-decisions that will affect all of our futures.
In 2005, the Hawai`i State Legislature created the Hawai`i 2050 Sustainability Task Force to review the current state planning process and to create a sustainability plan that will guide future policy to ensure a desirable and sustainable environment, community and economy in Hawai`i for future generations.
During February and March, the Hawai`i 2050 Sustainability Task Force is engaging as many residents as possible to participate in meaningful discussion to develop this plan for a sustainable Hawai`i.
If you are concerned about the future of Hawai`i, please take a moment to share your ideas with the Hawai`i 2050 Task Force. Everyone is invited to provide input into the development of the Hawai`i 2050 Sustainability plan.
HOW TO PARTICIPATE:1. COMPLETE the online survey available at:
2. ORGANIZE a group of your friends, family or colleagues and host an event to share and gather ideas about how to ensure a sustainable Hawai`i for generations to come. A toolkit for hosts is available from your island coordinator or on line at:
For more information, please visit the Hawaii 2050 website at: . If you have any questions or would like further assistance in hosting an event, please contact Glenn Teves at 567-6932 or email at
Thank you for your participation!

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