
Students Face Driving Dangers

Molokai High School (MHS) students  rallied together May 2 to stay safe during the upcoming graduation weekend, especially when getting behind the wheel. Seniors pledged to not drink and drive, while the Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) club awarded students who made the same pledge for prom and banquet nights.

MHS junior Brayden Willing-McCutcheon revived SADD in preparation for his senior project next year with the help of Driver Education program coordinator Malia Lee.


SADD members, led by Brayden Willing-McCutcheon stand before their classmates to promote safe driving decisions

“Voices make a difference,” he said to his classmates during the rally. “Pledge to be safe the night of graduation. Pledge to be safe and sober.”

Willing-McCutcheon said he wanted to bring awareness to teenagers about the effects of their driving decisions and how unsafe driving affects the entire community.

As part of his project, which is titled “Juvenile Joyriding: Underage and Unlicensed,” Willing-McCutcheon  will create a video for a nationwide contest. Lee said MHS is the only school in Hawaii that has entered, and the grand prize is $10,000.

Students at the rally participated in an obstacle course while wearing goggles that simulate drunkenness. They watched a locally-made video created with a cast of MHS students several years ago that depicted the deadly effects of drinking while driving. Lee and School Resource Officer Michael McCutcheon told students how much they care about them and how their decisions have lasting impact.


MHS students learn how distractions affect their driving

“I may be on some of your cases all the time about driving without a license and all that, but it’s because I care so much,” McCutcheon said. “Kids on other islands can’t walk, can’t talk and may not be alive because of the decisions they make.”

Lee said auto accidents are the number one killer of youth under age 24. She presented this information to students at the rally and told them that of the 4.2 million teen drivers in the country, 2.25 million will be involved in auto and bus accidents each year, 400,000 will be injured and 5,000 young drivers killed. Individuals who got injured in road accidents, a car accident injury lawyer or an auto accident attorney from a local car accident law firm can help them seek the compensation they deserve. Contact personal injury lawyers from a reputable law firm like Martin Law Office, S.C.

You may also consider contacting a professional law service like Jonna M. Spilbor.

When I see those of you without licenses driving and suffering from accidents, I get so scared,” she said. “Inexperience will get you in trouble. Immaturity will get you in trouble. It’s crucial to prepare thoroughly for your driving test, and resources like https://www.drivingtest.ca/alberta-driving-test/ can be incredibly helpful in gaining the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the roads safely.

She said summer is the deadliest time on the road for teenagers, according to Texas traffic accident statistics, but most incidences are preventable by making good decisions. They also learned the importance of car window shade to protect the dashboard and seats from extreme heat.

She also said parents can be involved in keeping their young drivers safe by riding with them frequently and setting a good example for them.



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