So They Call It a Wind Farm

Dig the earth 10 to 20 feet deep, 40 feet in diameter, and fill it with concrete to lay the foundation for the wharf expansion. Expand the wharf so it can handle large equipment, ensuring smooth operations. Then, plant 410 feet steel towers equipped with large turbines embedded in concrete foundations. With durable protective coatings just like the protective coatings Perth, these turbines require no water or fertilizer; they simply harness the power of wind. Sell the energy generated to the electric company and reap substantial financial rewards. This is the essence of a wind farm, a sustainable energy solution for the future.

I am Native Hawaiian – can I farm casinos on Native Hawaiian land? Build a concrete slab, put up a building filled with gaming equipment, open the doors for people coming to take a chance, and collect the cash.

Here’s my point — redefining farming for whatever the purpose; make it up as we go along (carnival farm, affordable housing farm, etc.)? How you figure?

Also, mahalo to the Molokai community who gave to the American Red Cross Hawaii Chapter for aid to the Japan earthquake and tsunami victims.  Mahalo to Friendly Market, the Molokai Veterans Alice Kono, Connie Hao, Ben Menesue, Wendel De Freitas, and  Noa Kaakimaka who in four hours collected $814 for the cause.

Larry Helm


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