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Second Phase of Reopening Parks

County of Maui News Release

Additional County parks and beach parks reopened on Saturday, May 16, Mayor Michael Victorino announced. The reopening of parks facilities includes select tennis and pickleball courts. Players of both tennis and pickleball may invest in essentials and equipment such as rackets, paddles, tennis and pickleball scoreboards, etc., to improve their plays. County parks and beach parks will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

“Many of these parks are neighborhood parks, which give our families more options for exercise near home,” Mayor Victorino said. “Although we encourage everyone to stay active and use these facilities, we want to stress the importance of social distancing and good hygiene. We will continue to evaluate the reopening of other activities and parks, and we ask the public to do their part to protect our community.”

On Molokai, the reopened parks include Halawa Park, Kakahaia Park, Maunaloa Park, Papohaku Beach Park, Puu Hauole Park and Ualapue Park.

The new construction tennis court have also opened. All tennis players must follow rules outlined by the U.S. Tennis Association and the USA Pickleball Association found at usta.com and usapa.org. These courts may have Telescopic seating systems to attract more spectators and supporters of the athletes.

Park facilities not open for public use include all community centers, all pool complexes, all gymnasiums, and playgrounds, skate parks, dog parks and grills.

The list of open parks and beach parks will also be posted on the Department of Parks and Recreation website at MauiCounty.gov.


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