Search for Gianina Reid
By Kimberlyn Scott
My name is Kimberlyn Scott and I advocate for families of the missing since my own pregnant daughter, Charli Scott, went missing seven and half years ago on Maui. It was the community of Maui that searched for Charli and found what was needed to get some answers.
I now am writing to the Molokai community on behalf of the family of Gianina Reid. Gianina has been missing from Molokai since June 24 under disturbing circumstances. Gianina has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder which influences her ability to make rational decisions and impacts her social behavior. Gianina was seen by three witnesses just before she abandoned her vehicle and all her personal belongings in the parking lot of Kalaupapa Lookout. There have been no confirmed sightings of her since.
Gianina’s family lives in Pennsylvania. She has two younger sisters with whom she is very close. It is out of her character, even under duress, to avoid contact with her family. Gianina’s mother has been an ICU nurse for 24 years and is well versed in handling emergencies for others. Now, she needs our help to find her daughter. Gianina’s mother is well aware of the issues surrounding travel with COVID. She has delayed coming to search in hopes that Gianina would return. But now there is no alternative but for her to come to Molokai. She so with the utmost respect for the residents of Molokai and will take all COVID precautions.
I am coming from Maui to run the search base and will comply with all COVID safety measures. To avoid bringing more people, we need the help of qualified residents of Molokai to search.
Your willingness to volunteer to search, to donate food, water and tables is not only helpful and necessary, it is extremely moving.
This is an ongoing situation. Information can change day to day and impact the search criteria. We will be keeping the community up to date via Facebook pages Find Gianina Reid as well as The Molokai Dispatch.
We are currently scheduling the search to take place on Sept. 4, 5 and 6. Location and exact times will be scheduled with each group to comply with COVID restrictions. Due to the region of the search, we are seeking hunters, military, off duty fire and police personnel, and those with experience with the coastline in the Kalaupapa Lookout area. We are also seeking experienced community members who have boats, and helicopter pilots who are familiar with the area of Kalaupapa. Neon vests for searcher safety have been donated anonymously.
To volunteer to search or to donate pre-made food and water to the search teams, please contact the search team via Alexa Dudoit on Molokai at 808-283-0139, Kimberlyn Scott at 808-205-7758 or email, to preregister for the search by Sept. 3. You will be asked when you are able to volunteer as well as your experience. If donating food, you can inform us what you are able to donate and whether you can deliver or need pick up.
There is a reward for any information regarding Gianina Reid’s disappearance. Please contact Maui Police Department Molokai Division at 808-553-5355 and refer to MPD report #21-022709. Or you can message Find Gianina Reid on Facebook.

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