Roof Repair Mahalo
Grace Episcopal Church in Ho`olehua wishes to extend a big mahalo to everyone who supported us in our project to the repair the roof on our church building. Many people from Grace Community and from the local community lent their help and encouragement with this project and we are very grateful. A special mahalo goes to Tubz Kalipi for organizing and overseeing this project.
Mahalos to the following people who worked on this project:
Tubz Kalipi, Kawaiola Kalipi, Kawaipuna Kalipi, Lei Kalipi, Weymouth Kamakana, Doug Edson, Russell Kallstrom, Sonia Kallstrom, Richard Hanchett, Pualani Akaka, Mike Grinnell, Noe Cluney, James Espaniola, Henry Corpus, Steven Arce, Jr., Michael Arce, Daniel Arce, Joseph Kalipi, Yama Kaholoaa, Caroline Kaholoaa, Kainao Kaholoaa, William (Junior) Kaholoaa, Nephi Kaholoaa, Amber Kaholoaa, Shanda Kaholoaa, Weyla Ai, Julian Torres, Matthew Tanielu and Kualapu`u Ranch for their willingness to lend us equipment.
We apologize for any names we may have omitted. Please know that you have our sincere gratitude and appreciation. Mahalo!
Thank you,
Heidi Edson
priest-in charge Grace Episcopal Church

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