Review of Community Plan Today
County Councilmember Kelly T. King News Release
The Maui County Council’s Planning Committee will hold its Sept. 26 meeting on Molokai to continue review of the Molokai Community Plan and receive community input, Committee Chair Kelly King announced. The meeting will begin at 4 p.m. at the Mitchell Pauole Community Center.
The Maui County Code requires community plans be updated every 10 years, as practicable, and include input from State and County agencies as well as the general public. The current Molokai Community Plan was adopted in 2001.
“Community input is of the utmost importance when it comes to developing the plan”, said King. “This meeting is the Committee’s formal opportunity to hear from the community to ensure the plan is in line with their vision, culture, and goals.”
Councilmember King and Councilmember Crivello have also held informal community meetings on Molokai throughout the Committee review process.
The Council has until Dec. 29 to adopt a revised plan. The Planning Committee’s draft plan was posted for public viewing on Sept. 13 and reflects all proposed edits to date.
The meeting is open to the public. All interested residents are encouraged to attend or submit testimony. Written testimony may be emailed to, referencing PC-2.
To learn more about the Molokai Community Plan Update, please visit

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