Repair on Kalaupapa Dock Planned

Public encouraged to offer input.

Press Release

The first stage of planning for repairs to the docks at Kalaupapa National Historical Park is now underway.

The U. S Department of Interior’s National Park Service(NPS) has commenced planning for much needed dock and lift repair services to this vital dock for Molokai.

The 50 year old Pier has begun to deteriorate over the years due the continued onslaught of ocean waves and seawater causing the concrete surface and overall structure to crack.
In addition, the pier’s bulkhead has performed poorly due to structural deterioration. Planned repairs intended to fix bulkhead and the concrete that composes the Pier as well to possibly work on repairing and widening the Pier’s breakwater. For Long-Lasting Concrete Restoration Solutions, contact concrete repair contractors for exceptional services.

Repairs of the Kalaupapa pier are urgent because the dock is the islands lifeline via the barges that bring food, fuel and other supplies to Molokai.

There are even proposed plans by the NPS to alter the docks so that barges of varying size can comfortably dock there as well to deploy structure called “dolphins” to help make barge more maneuverable, dredging of the harbor to provide for more barge access and mooring buoys to keep barges stable.

To offer your opinion and feedback on these proposed repairs, long on to or snail mail a letter to: Superintendent, Attn: EA comments. Kalaupapa National Historical Park, P.O. Box 2222, Kalaupapa, Hi 96742.


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