Rep. Carroll Speaks Out Against Wind Turbines and Cables
Office of Mele Carroll News Release
Rep. Mele Carroll (13th District) voiced many Molokai residents’ concerns in Honolulu today, urging the Governor and the public utilities commission to find alternatives to proposed wind turbines and undersea cables on the island. Carroll introduced House Concurrent Resolution 189, which urges that island-specific alternatives be considered in order to reduce negative impacts on Molokai and Lana`i.
“The message from both Lana`i and Molokai residents is very clear – no wind turbines, no undersea cables,” Carroll said. “I have been meeting with both islands’ community leaders, and as far as they are concerned, the potential risks that turbines and undersea cables pose outweigh the possible benefits.”
Act 165 of Hawaii Session Laws in 2013 authorizes the development and construction of an interisland high-voltage undersea cable to connect the wind turbines, providing energy to residents of Oahu from other islands. Carroll pointed out that although the Act authorizes construction, there is no requirement for it. In addition, Resolution 189 outlines the general safety concerns wind turbines pose to nearby residents and wildlife as well as the negative aesthetic impact on the natural beauty of the landscape.
“The residents wish to preserve the uniqueness and the beauty of their islands as natural resources, which have become an important symbol and an essential part of their everyday lives,” Carroll said. “As their representative, I must assist them in voicing their opinions and a Concurrent Resolution, which passes through review of both the House and Senate and would require the State to look at other energy alternatives on the two islands. This resolution represents an important step in residents expressing their views about how they want to live on islands that are experiencing the ever-growing outside forces of change.”

There is lot’s of wind power that could be harnessed on the pali of Oahu….let them harness there own power…or learn to live with less energy, but leave Molokai & Lanai to there inherent natural beauty!
what about the jobs lost?it seems molokai is alrite with poisoning the land ocean and people with pesticides for jobs And $$$.why not have some wind mills.the reason most people here was agaist wind mills was because the land value down west end would have went down.we need jobs how else people going pay for their cellphones internet ,new cars jet ski 4 wheeler,200,000 $ house…..oh yeah almost forgot FOOD..LOL