Ready to Learn at MHS
Ready to Learn at MHS
MHS News Release
“Ready to Learn” is the theme for Molokai High School (MHS) as we begin the 2013-14 school year. We want our students to be 100 percent prepared with habits of mind that address higher education desires as well as be ready to enter the work force. We are looking to implement a few non-negotiable items and hope you will agree these will contribute to the overall success of your student.
Uniform were instituted for academic performance, student appearance and conduct. We continue to see dramatic progress in each area thanks to the uniform policy. Your assistance in ensuring that your child is in uniform each day will promote overall student achievement and campus improvement. Uniform waivers can be obtained from the Administrative Office. Call 567-6950 for information. You may still order uniforms online at
Visible IDs
During the SY 2013-14 students will be required to wear student IDs on their person. We hope this will increase school security and student responsibility. Organizations and institutions across the globe use similar systems and we want our students prepared to participate in these practices. IDs will carry more than just the student’s image and information — it will also hold lunch account information and provide access to use of technology, library resources and student activities. All IDs are free when the student pays their student fees. Any lost ID cards will be replaced for $5.
Academic and Career Focused Language
We have noticed a rise in inappropriate language, specifically profanity. Our students should express themselves in ways that will provide them access to the greater global society and not prohibit them. Swearing has always been associated with the gutter and as Hawaiians say, it’s “pilau.” We hope that these same valuable lessons are being taught in the home.
Class Dues and Student Fees
All school activities come with a price whether it is Homecoming, FutureFEST, May Day, the Prom or Class Spirit assemblies. These activities are afforded through the payment of class dues and student fees. We seek your assistance in ensuring that all students pay their dues and fees. Any student participating in athletics is required to have these fees paid.
Registration for all students will be held on Thursday, July 25 from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. This will be an opportunity to pay Class Dues ($6) and Student Activity Fees ($6), complete Free and Reduced Lunch and Bus applications, take pictures for student IDs and receive student schedules for the coming year.
New School Year
Teachers return to prepare for students beginning July 30, 2013. The first day for Freshman Orientation is Monday, Aug. 5. All students return to school on Tuesday, Aug. 6. We hope that you will join us in embracing “Ready to Learn” and attend these very important dates.

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