Ranch Says No Wind Negotiations Underway
Letter from MPL’s Peter Nicholas clarifies position.
Below is a letter that clarifies the Molokai Properties Limited’s (MPL) position on wind turbines on their property. The letter, dated June 28,2010, is written by Peter Nicholas, Executive Director of MPL, addressed to Colette Machado, President of the Molokai Land Trust. Kekoa Kaluhiwa, First Wind director of external affairs has “nothing additional to say.” Nicholas also had no further comment when contacted by Dispatch staff.
Dear Ms. Machado,
Re: Molokai Properties Limited and Wind Turbines
Following inquiries from many directors of the Molokai Land Trust regarding MPL’s position on the siting of wind farms on its property and on land donated to the Molokai Land Trust under a current 99-year lease, I outline the following as the current position.
MPL respects the “No-Build” motion of the Molokai Land Trust for the Gifted Mokio Lands, i.e. “The mission of the Molokai Land Trust is to acquire environmentally and culturally important lands on Molokai for protection and perpetuation of the cultural and natural resources. Given this, the Molokai Land Trust will not support any future industrial scale projects on or adjacent to the Mokio lands that we steward because of the negative impacts upon the subsistence activities and cultural and natural resources
of these lands.”
Concerning any potential request to site wind turbines on land under 99-year lease to the Molokai Land Trust, I confirm categorically that MPL will not discuss with any party or allow wind turbines on the 1600 acres donated to the Molokai Land Trust during the period prior to the trust taking ownership title to the 1600 acres.
Furthermore, Molokai Properties Limited has not approached First Wind or any other wind farm company to site wind turbines on its remaining property.
Molokai Properties Limited is NOT in negotiations with any company concerning siting a wind farm on its property. Any allegations to the contrary are totally incorrect and without foundation.
First Wind made a final offer to purchase Molokai Ranch for wind farm development in May 2010. This offer did not meet the price which has been set for the entire property.
In my letter of rejection to First Wind, I stated the following with regard to the siting of wind turbines on MPL properties:
“Also as stated to you last year in correspondence, MPL would consider an offer for land proposed solely for a Wind Farm, but only if majority community support could be shown for such a project.
“Also you would need to demonstrate a “community package” that proposes benefits from such a project to the entire community, and not merely sectional interest.”
First Wind has not made any subsequent proposal to site wind turbines on MPL lands, nor has MPL sought such proposals from First Wind or any other wind farm company.
I hope this clarifies the situation.
Very truly yours
Peter Nicholas
Executive Director

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