Protect Molokai’s Resources
Community contributed by ‘Aha Ki’ole ‘o Moloka’i
Aloha mai kakou from the Mokupuni of Moloka’i Nui a Hina,
We, the ‘Aha Ki’ole of Moloka’i, the consortium of island moku and ahupua’a that advocates for the protection and preservation of Moloka’i’s resources, would like to convey an important issue that is timely and relevant to our island needs.
Moloka’i, like many other places, is facing unprecedented economic shortages and deficits. Our people’s income and resources are more limited than most places in Hawai’i because of our isolation, our supplies are more costly as well, and subsistence gathering has become the only way that many island residents can survive.
In order to maintain a reliable supply of food sources to supplement, and in some cases provide completely for island families, we must take steps to manage the resources that we have available. The ‘Aha Ki’ole’s kuleana of caring for island resources includes promoting gathering practices that will not cause shortages or depletion of our resources. Many of our families have begun to scale back on commercial fishing and the taking of stock species during spawning periods. We are employing traditional Hawaiian konohiki management practices in an effort to restore our stocks for present and future need.
While we welcome our off-island ‘ohana in events that promote amity and goodwill, we respectfully request of all participants and organizers of ocean sports and other activities that put our resources at risk to cease the practice of merging competition with coastal fishing pursuits. The number of escorts fishing at one time on our reefs is problematic and concerns us greatly. The ‘Aha Ki’ole would like to remind participants that the objective in ocean racing is competition, and our request of the associations participating is to assume the kuleana and return to the original purpose when visiting Moloka’i. We support and appreciate ocean sports, and the relationships we have with our sister island residents, and we would like to continue a respectful and productive association.
Me ka Ho’ihi,
Vanda Hanakahi- Po’o – ‘Aha Ki’ole ‘o Moloka’i
Mervyn Dudoit- Moku o Kawela
Wayde Lee- Moku o Pala’au
Byron Espaniola- Moku o Kaluako’i
Ruth Manu and Judy Caparida- Moku o Ko’olau and Mana’e
Walter Ritte, ‘Opu’ulani Albino, Mac and Kamalu Poepoe- Po’o Alaka’i

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