Praising In The Heart Of Town
Community Contributed
By Randy Manley
The moon was aglow and the cool breezes were blowing as hundreds of people gathered at the Kaunakakai Ball Field for the first ever Molokai Summer Praise Concert last Friday evening. The free concert featuring various musical groups from around the island was sponsored by eight Molokai churches as a way of sharing the ministry of music with the island community.
Concert goers filled bleacher seats, reclined on blankets spread on the field, and sat at picnic tables enjoying a mixture of musical styles which included contemporary praise, choir, reggae, and gospel.
While the adults listened to the tunes, the keiki had the opportunity to participate in various games and activities that were designed to keep them entertained and occupied throughout the night.
As the musical smorgasbord was being served from the stage those looking for physical food needed only to follow their noses to the large food tent where musabee, chili and rice, and fresh malasadas were available free of charge.
Adding a special touch to the event was Dawn O’Brien master of ceremonies for the evening. O’Brien, the morning DJ for Christian radio station 95.5 The Fish, entertained the crowd with her quick wit and stories of growing up in the islands as she helped transition between performances.
If you missed the opportunity to attend be assured that the organizers of this event plan to make this an annual affair.

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