PALS Program Gives Free Keiki Meals
Maui County News Release
The County of Maui’s Summer PALS program is providing free meals at sites on Maui and Molokai to make sure that no children in the County of Maui go hungry while school is closed for summer break.
The Summer Food Service Program is a federal program made available to eligible areas to ensure that children receive nutritious meals. All youth 18 years old or younger are eligible to receive a free meal any weekday.
Many children in the County of Maui receive free or reduced-price meals during the school year, but many of these children do not get enough to eat when school is out. The Summer Food Service Program ensures that these children continue to grow and learn during the summer.
The PALS program offers this meals program on Maui and Molokai, which are approved areas by federal standards. Meals are on a first-come, first-serve basis.
The Molokai PALS site is Mitchell Pauole Center, running June 6 to July 22. Registration for this summer is closed, but if you already signed up, call the PALS office at 808-270-7404 for more information.

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