Outstanding Older Americans Nominations
Maui County News Release
The Maui County Office on Aging is seeking nominations for Maui County’s 52nd annual Outstanding Older American Male and Female of Maui County. The recognition program is held each May in conjunction with Older Americans Month to recognize elders across the nation for their extraordinary efforts and contributions to society.
Nominees for the awards must be 65 years of age or older and a resident of Maui, Molokai or Lanai. Any individual, club or organization may nominate candidates for the award. Previous winners are not eligible for nomination.
Nomination forms are available by calling 270-7755, visiting mauicountyadrc.org or sending email to mcoa.adrc@mauicounty.gov. Deadline to return completed nomination forms is 4:30 p.m. on April 1. Please send forms to the Office on Aging, J. Walter Cameron Center, Attn: OOA Committee, 95 Mahalani St., Room 20, Wailuku 96793. Completed forms may also be faxed to 270-7935 or emailed to mcoa.adrc@mauicounty.gov.
The awards will be presented virtually on May 6, 2021, from 11 a.m. to noon, with details to be announced.
The annual program recognizes older Americans for their contributions and emphasizes the positive outcomes in helping others. This year’s theme is “Communities of Strength,” which describes the overwhelming response to protect and assist those especially vulnerable to the pandemic and adapt to ever-changing norms. We are reminded of the differences one can make by doing his or her part. We are stronger together.
Wendell Crockett was the first individual in Maui County to receive the distinction of Outstanding Older American in 1968. To date, over 100 men and women have received this distinction for their outstanding contributions to Maui County.
For more information, call the Maui County Office on Aging at 270-7755 or visit mauicountyadrc.org.

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