Our Lives Are Special
Humble, careful conversation. Let’s all support, love, care and use the word aloha to help get rid of this deadly coronavirus disease. Say to yourself, “My life, family, community. All our lives are very valuable and special. I’m going to follow and do the right thing to save all of our lives.”
The beach, the park, is not going to disappear. Alcohol will always be here, but more lives will disappear if we all don’t follow and care. If we go to the beach or the park, be aware what we all supposed to do. Put on your mask, keep your distance. Don’t say, “I don’t care.” We are all involved with this deadly disease together. We all have an important mission — responsibility to all human lives. Listen to the professional medical voices and follow, it’s for our own good. Believe. Coronavirus is real.
Positive energy, spirit. I would like to share this conversation, to remind all the Polynesian cultures about the history of the past. Virus disease that other peoples brought with them to the islands killed many, many, many of our ancestors, decreased the population really fast. Something for all of us to think about. It’s our valuable lives.
Share our Molokai Dispatch with families, friends, with all islands of our beautiful Aloha State. Molokai cares. We all should be very proud of our beautiful community. I am. We doing really good, The best. Life is beautiful, every day is important and special.
Saunoa Liva

Hey Brother Saunoa! It’s me Eli, Uncle Loti’s nephew. I am not sure you will be able to see this, but please give me a call at (831)888-7035. It is about Brother Loti. Please reach me as soon as you can. Mana and alofa.
Elisara Ala