OHA Announces Search for New CEO
OHA News Release
With anticipation and sadness, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) Board of Trustees announces today it will begin the search for a new Chief Executive Officer (CEO). OHA’s current CEO, Clyde Namu`o, will be leaving OHA on December 30, 2011. The process to initiate a search for a new CEO is anticipated to unfold over the course of the next three to five months.
On September 1, 2011, a news article reported Namu`o was not expected to renew his contract, which is due to expire on July 31, 2012. Speaking on behalf of the OHA Trustees, Chairperson Colette Machado said, “We are very grateful to Mr. Namu`o for providing professional, decisive and inspirational leadership for OHA, throughout a 10 year period of steady and remarkable growth. In serving our beneficiaries, Mr. Namu`o has always exhibited the best qualities of public service – unwavering commitment, compassion, trustworthiness, loyalty and professionalism.”
Chair Machado also noted, “When Mr. Namu`o assumed the role of Administrator in 2001, OHA stood on very shaky ground. He walked into an office that our Native Hawaiian beneficiaries looked upon with suspicion, skepticism and mistrust. Namu`o was largely responsible for changing this around by taking to heart the principles of pono and aloha – justice and fairness, integrity, unequaled courtesy, generosity and spirited leadership.”
During Namu`o’s administration, OHA clarified its internal fiscal and personnel operations and adopted and implemented spending and investment policies. The agency fulfilled the goals of one strategic plan period and has adopted a strategic plan for the next five years.
Reflecting upon the accomplishments of the past ten years, Namu`o said, “[It] has been a time of significant change for OHA as indicated in part, for example, by the increase of the operating budget from $12 million to over $30 million a year. I thank the OHA Trustees for giving me the opportunity to serve our beneficiaries with expanded services and programs and a more effective and clearly defined role as an advocate for Native Hawaiians.”
Namu`o added, “After all we have achieved, it is time for me to step down and pursue other endeavors and interests.”
The Asset Resource Management (ARM) Committee will be responsible for carrying out the recruitment process for the new CEO and will submit its recommendations for approval to the full board, which will make the final decision. The board will also appoint an interim CEO by the end of this year.

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