OED Grants Available
Kuha`o Business Center News Release
The County of Maui Mayor’s Office of Economic Development (OED) awards grants on an annual basis to nonprofit organizations and events that promote diversity and growth within the economy. The FY 15 Grant Handbook and Application are now available at mauicounty.gov. Click on Mayor, then Office of Economic Development, then Grants and Awards.
If you are a nonprofit interested in submitting for an OED grant, you should submit a letter of inquiry as soon as possible. Letters of inquiry on Molokai should be mailed to: Maui County Office of Economic Development, 2200 Main Street, Suite 305, Wailuku, Maui 96793 or hand delivered to the Kuha`o Business Center at 2 Kamo`i Street, Suite 600 (next to The Molokai Dispatch).
All projects/events being proposed should meet the county Objectives for Economic Development which include:
- Strengthen and diversify the economy by supporting existing businesses
- Assist in attraction, development, and expansion of new industry, events and/or partnerships that provide new jobs
Some criteria for grant selection include:
- Will this proposal help or promote business in Maui County?
- Will the proposal provide or create jobs in Maui County?
- Does this proposal have private funding, sponsors or in-kind donations?
- Does this proposal have a solid business model that shows it could eventually succeed without county funding?
For more information on the OED Grant Program contact Jennifer Hawkins at 553-8100 on Molokai or Tina Silva, Grants Manager at 270-7992 on Maui.

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