Oceanic Franchise Hearing
DCCA News Release
As part of the renewal process for Oceanic Time Warner Cable’s Maui County cable TV franchise, a series of public hearings are being held to gather community input. The Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (DCCA) is continuing with the process of Oceanic Time Warner Cable’s renewal of its Maui County cable TV franchise. The DCCA will be holding public hearings on Maui, Molokai and Lanai to offer customers and community members the opportunity to submit testimony on Oceanic’s application.
Molokai’s public hearing will be held on Tues. Oct. 15 at 2:30 p.m. at the Kaunakakai Gym conference room.
Franchise agreements cover use of right-of-ways for equipment, reviews financial viability, outlines what services will be offered to customers, the company’s technical capabilities and addresses community needs. Franchise agreements usually last 20 years, and the current renewal process has been ongoing for more than a year. The last public hearing on Molokai as part of the process was held in August 2012.
The application and other documents submitted are available at Cable Division’s website: cca.hawaii.gov/catv/files/2013/05/0CEANICAPPLICATIONFORRENEWAL¬_Maui 201
All interested persons can submit their oral or written comments at the time of the public hearings. Whether testimony is presented orally or not, interested persons are encouraged to put their comments in writing and submit them to Cable TV Division via the following:
• In person at the public hearings
• Email to: cabletv@dcca.hawaii.gov
• Fax: (808) 586-2625; or
• U.S. Mail to: Cable Television Division, Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, P.O. Box 541, Honolulu, HI 96809
All written comments should be submitted to DCCA by Friday, Nov. 15, 4:30p.m.

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