
Nuestro Futuro Supports Kaohi Program

Nuestro Futuro Foundation News Release

The Hawaii-based Nuestro Futuro Foundation has provided two grants this year to support the Maui Economic Opportunity Kaohi program that works to prevent substance abuse, bullying and suicide among middle and high school youth on Molokai.
The Nuestro Futuro Foundation’s initial grant in 2022 helped start the program on Molokai that year. MEO had identified substance abuse and suicide among youth on the island as issues needing to be addressed. Bringing MEO Youth Services’ tobacco, vaping, alcohol, drug, bullying, and suicide prevention programs to Molokai was a perfect fit.
Under the direction of coordinator Mela Tancayo and her staff, Kaohi offers programs in school, after school and during fall, winter, spring and summer breaks. The out of school activities include peer leadership, college and career development, youth-driven activities, parental involvement, community activism, volunteerism and cultural activities.
Youth organized a sign waving in front of the Molokai Public Library to bring awareness to suicide and prevention on Sept. 10, worked in taro patches and fishponds over the summer, regularly clean their Adopt A Highway section, and learned basic auto maintenance and repair.
In addition, MEO Youth Services has held an overnight Kamp Kaohi the last two years with prevention and fun activities at Molokai Baptist Church.
This year’s grants will support the continuation of the program that engaged with more than 200 youth, 11 to 18 years old, last fiscal year. Kamp Kaohi is offered without charge.
“Nuestro Futuro is honored to be able to partner with MEO in support of this impactful program for our youth on Molokai,” said Abigail Perrin, Executive Director of the Nuestro Futuro Foundation.
Nuestro Futuro is a nonprofit corporation whose mission is to build community and fund education, youth and addiction treatment programs. The nonprofit was founded 1999 and operated a successful program bringing technology to schoolchildren in Bolivia for 10 years.
Since 2009, Nuestro Futuro has given grants to various nonprofits on Maui, including Common Ground Collective, The Lahaina Community Land Trust, Grow Some Good, and many other Maui based nonprofits.
“It is because of the Nuestro Futuro Foundation that MEO has been able to tackle the issues of substance abuse, bullying and suicide among youth on Molokai,” said MEO CEO Debbie Cabebe. “While working with youth and their families to delay the use of tobacco, vaping, drugs and alcohol, we are also laying the foundation for Molokai youth to be contributing members and future leaders of the community.”
For more information about Kaohi, contact Mela at (808) 553-5472.


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