Now Is the Time to Tell Government What You Want
I Aloha Molokai News Release
From now until Oct. 9, Hawaii residents have a unique chance to tell the federal government what kind of energy projects we want on our islands. This is the Hawaii Clean Energy Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement, or PEIS. In plain English, this means the feds are writing guidelines based on input from all of us. The more questions we ask, the more comments we make, the more our state will have to plan ahead, protect our resources and scenery, and pick projects we might be able to afford.
This is our chance to discuss the potential impact of giant wind turbines on the island’s west end. It’s also a chance to say what kind of energy projects might be appropriate for Molokai. But this PEIS is very broad. We can raise questions about conservation. For example, Why doesn’t Oahu turn up the thermostats, install rooftop solar and build bike paths? We can raise questions about fairness. For example, why are poor communities being bulldozed and taxed for the benefit of the wealthy? We can ask questions about technology: how can HECO integrate more wind power into the grid, when it can’t even allow more than 15 percent of ratepayers to convert to solar? We can raise questions about our environment, such as, what will electric cables lying on and blasted through our reef do to our fishing grounds? We can raise questions about health and safety. For example, won’t giant turbines force the evacuation of Maunaloa? Won’t they pose an aviation hazard?
The point is to raise every concern about future projects now, and push the state towards common sense. A “no action” alternative is also a possibility; if enough concerns are raised, the feds can tell the state, “forget it.”
Everyone concerned with the future of Hawaii needs to comment. You can find out how on the PEIS website, You can also view examples of previous comments. Go to “EIS documents” and click on “previous scoping comments.” Any concern you have is valid. Just be sure each comment includes a question. Every question has to be answered and we will get another chance to review the answers.
Don’t put this off! Do it today. The deadline for comments is Oct. 9. If you are unsure how to begin, contact IAM at, or call Elaine Callinan at 553- 5720, or call (202) 506-9771 and leave a message. Someone will get back to you.

What about the noise of giant turbines. Surely this will be an issue on many levels.