Unreliable Transportation Decreases Dental Services

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2023

There are now decreased dental services on Molokai due to unreliable transport into and out of the island. 

Dr. Tabitha Chiu, DMD writes: 

“Dear Nalu Dental patients,

In the few months that l’ve been working at Nalu Dental, l’ve felt so welcomed by everyone that l’ve met. It’s been a privilege to be able to provide dental care to your community. Unfortunately, due to the unpredictability of transportation on and off the island, I will be pausing my commutes from Oahu. It has become difficult to manage my schedule when flights are consistently delayed, often without notice. I hope to return once transportation is more reliable.…

Reflections from the Outgoing Editor

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2023

Reflections from the Outgoing Editor

After 15 years at The Molokai Dispatch, I’m stepping away from daily operations at the newspaper and into a new role in journalism. I’ll now serve as Hawaii Public Radio’s Maui Nui reporter – the station’s first full time employee not based on Oahu. I’m honored to have this opportunity and so grateful I can continue to live and work on Molokai while bringing more Molokai, Maui and Lanai voices to the statewide airwaves. 

Over the past 15 years, The Molokai Dispatch has been a foundation for me on Molokai. I’m so grateful to the Dispatch for bringing me to the island I’m blessed to call home, and all the opportunities it has afforded me since then. …

With Apologies to Kala’e

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2023



Turned to poo-brown

by clowns with “authority.”*

These blues and greens,

such vibrant life,

such beauty

they refuse to see.

Always trying so hard

to erase

so they desecrate

and they deface,

replacing history,

never wanting to leave

so much as a trace

of Kanaka Maoli

for occupying eyes

to see

as they use stolen keys

to uproot rainbow trees

and they paint over paradise

making something so nice 

a dull brown

making you forget the Queen’s crown

making you forget the U.S. Marines

helped tear the Queen’s flag down

making you forget that this ain’t

America as they paint

and they paint

and they paint over laughter

and life

and love

and they shove their greedy paws

and their white

man made laws

and their codes

and their rules

all over this stolen land

where Hawaiian tongues

were long banned

and now there are cops

in schools

putting Hawaiian children 

in handcuffs

and I agree with Aunty Scarlett

that enough is enough

when, instead of getting tough

on corrupt police

and on chemical companies

and on the military

polluting the aquifer,

the land

and the sea

they are using

the taxes on our tea

to deny Hawaiians like Kala’e

the right to just be


and to be freely creating beauty

for all eyes to see

while not hurting a flea

much less a tree

the air

the water

or the soil…

If you look at history


you will see

that since 1893

crimes like these 

are truly

human rights violation

and it should make your blood boil.…

Molokai Students Learn Cybersecurity

Wednesday, July 26th, 2023

Molokai Students Learn Cybersecurity

By Jack Kiyonaga, Reporter 

The email starts as something benign: an inquiry from a distant family member, a reminder to pay for your Amazon Prime subscription, a promo for a credit card. You click the link and it’s all over from there – you’ve been hacked. 

Kaunakakai School fifth grade teacher Kawika Gonzales is helping students across Molokai navigate this complicated digital landscape with a recent summer camp called the GenCyber Program. As the lead instructor for the state-wide program, Gonzales led 10 Molokai students ranging from fifth to 12th grade in a weeklong investigation into the strange, marvelous, dangerous, complicated world of the internet. …

10 Questions With John Urauchi

Wednesday, July 26th, 2023

10 Questions With John Urauchi

By Jack Kiyonaga, Reporter 

Question: How long have you lived on Molokai? 

John Urauchi (JU): All my life. 91 years going on 92 in two months. 

Q: Where did you grow up on Molokai? 

JU: I was born in Kamalo, where we didn’t have any electricity or running water. It was a really a rough beginning. We had no running water, so no flush toilet. All the water came from the well outside the house. Our toilet was a puka toilet down below.

Q: What was it like growing up then? 

JU: In those days the fishing and crabbing was excellent.…

Season’s Last Regatta

Wednesday, July 26th, 2023

Season’s Last Regatta

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

Molokai’s three canoe clubs gathered for the island’s last regatta of the summer paddling season at Kaunakakai Wharf last Saturday. Crews of all ages from Molokai Canoe Club, Wa’akapaemua and Kukui clubs battled it out in friendly competition in ¼ and ½ mile races. Some crews will go on to paddle at the state race held this year in Hilo Bay on Aug. 5. …

Na’iwa Financial Assessment

Wednesday, July 26th, 2023

Hawaii Community Lending News Release 

Lessees and family members in the Naʻiwa Homesteaders Program are invited to attend a special gathering on Friday, July 28, at 5 p.m. at the DHHL/OHA Conference Room at Kulana ʻOiwi on Molokai. This informational meeting is planned to help lessees prepare their finances for homeownership. Food and beverages will be provided. RSVP not required.  As for those who don’t have such programs in their area, they can still gain some funds through sites like https://bitcoin100k.org/.

The project will train Native Hawaiians as owner-builders, assisting them in navigating the permitting, approval and construction process unique to Hawaiian Home Lands as well as build their capacity to move their agricultural land leases into production.…

The Molokai Dispatch Wins 7 Awards

Wednesday, July 26th, 2023

The Molokai Dispatch News Release

The Molokai Dispatch is honored to have won seven Excellence in Journalism awards for its news coverage in 2022. The awards are held annually by Society of Professional Journalism Hawaii Chapter and presented in newspaper, TV, radio and magazine categories. Winners for 2022 were announced at an awards dinner last week in Honolulu. 

Winning the News Page Design category for all newspapers statewide was The Molokai Dispatch’s graphic designer Marissa Motas for her layout of “Ka’ahele A Lono” in the Feb. 2, 2022 issue. 

“The designer utilized a lot of photos in an attractive and readable way,” judges commented.…

Molokai Hospice Mahalo

Wednesday, July 26th, 2023

Hospice Maui Molokai is so grateful for the many people who generously donated items and monetary gifts for our eighth annual Hospice Yard Sale.  Mahalo to the many people who shopped the sale and bought the treasured items.  Words are hard to express how appreciative we are for our Hospice Volunteers Dan, Ellen, Tim, Kathy, Ashley, Kahili, Ehulani and Didi who spent many hours sorting, pricing and displaying the many, many items.  Also, mahalo to Dr. Dan McGuire for the use of his parking lot for our sale.

The yard sale event was an idea to help those whose loved ones died and asked for ideas of what to do with their loved one’s treasured items. …

Thadd R. Camara

Wednesday, July 26th, 2023

Thadd R. Camara

Aloha e ka ʻohana a me nā hoa aloha o Molokaʻi a ma ʻō aku o ka pae ʻāina o Hawaiʻi a puni ka hōnua. We, the children of Thadd R. Camara share with you some of his words of aloha…

“My spirit lives in everyone that knows who I was and who I still am — Thadd R. Camara, Mr. Aloha — and if it wasn’t for Molokai I could never ever be Thadd R. Camara, the person I became to be…So for every sunset there will always be a new beginning. So my Molokai family, enjoy every beginning you are blessed with I waiting for you on the other side….Please…