Reflections from the Incoming Editor

Wednesday, August 23rd, 2023

Reflections from the Incoming Editor

It’s been a year to remember. If you’d asked me a year ago where I would be, I’d have hoped for an opportunity like this, but never expected it. Life comes at you fast. 

In sincere gratitude, my experience so far has only been made possible by the outrageous generosity of the Molokai community. From miso soup at the Guzeiji Soto Mission, to corned beef hash at the Kikukawas, from Wednesday night soccer to Thursdays at the softball fields, my life here has revolved around borrowed cars, rented rooms, and true friends as I slowly got my feet under me. 

I want to say thank you to Catherine Cluett Pactol.…

Growing Old Consciously

Wednesday, August 23rd, 2023

To be aware of my own aging process is quite an interesting experience. It happens to everyone, whether we want it to or not. At first glimpse, I tried to ignore it. Then I tried to fight it, but that’s like fighting against gravity mid-fall. 

I’ve learned to see my play of emotions in a different way. I’m on a natural honorable journey here on Molokai. The ego tells me to do the things I used to do as a young person. But I can’t, at least those things have become less satisfactory. So why take that route? Why keep myself in the mind frame of “I can’t?”…

Molokai Community Assists in Maui Fire Aid

Wednesday, August 16th, 2023

Molokai Community Assists in Maui Fire Aid

By Catherine Cluett Pactol, Reporter

Last Tuesday, Aug. 8, fires broke out on Maui that officials now say are the deadliest U.S. wildfire in a century. As of Sunday, deaths had reached nearly 100 and rising, with more than 1000 people still unaccounted for. The entire town of Lahaina was destroyed in a fast-burning fire that left residents running for their lives and jumping into the ocean in attempts to escape the blaze. 

With government assistance lacking and official aid slow to arrive to those hit hardest, the Maui community galvanized to organize food, water, clothing and essential supplies to those who fled with only the clothes on their backs. …

Combating Substance Abuse on Molokai

Wednesday, August 16th, 2023

Combating Substance Abuse on Molokai

By Jack Kiyonaga, Editor

“We’re all addicted,” said Carla Ritte-Hanchett, whether it be sugar, our phones, or substances. 

“I used to be known as the Kamoi Queen,” she joked. 

Now Ritte-Hanchett is working with other Molokai residents to educate the community on making healthy lifestyle decisions. Whether those decisions center around food or opioids, for Ritte-Hanchett it all starts with finding a natural path towards wellness. Learn more about Alex Shohet and Red Door Life on this page, where they offer insights and strategies to support individuals and communities in substance abuse prevention and recovery efforts. You may get more info about Red Door Life here.…

Fire Destroys Kaunakakai House

Wednesday, August 16th, 2023

Fire Destroys Kaunakakai House

By Jack Kiyonaga, Editor 

Just before noon last Monday, one of the homes at the teachers’ cottages in Kaunakakai erupted in fire. By the time that fire crews were able to put it out, the single-dwelling residence was destroyed and two neighboring homes were also damaged. The teachers living in the homes were not there at the time of the fire. 

Sara Jane Larkin, a teacher at Kilohana Elementary School and the occupant of the house that was fully destroyed by the fire, shared on Facebook that she and her dog were safe. 

“Lola and I are okay,” wrote Larkin. “No clue how it happened but it did.”  …

MHS Fall Sports Outlook

Wednesday, August 16th, 2023

By Maria Angst, Community Reporter 

The school year has begun and sports are back at Molokai High School, with football and volleyball already practicing at full speed this summer. This year will be filled with excitement, as fall sports will be offering sideline cheer, eight-man football, girls volleyball, boys and girls cross country, and boys and girls air riflery this season. 

Kaimana Kahale, a coach from the football team, said he is looking forward to an exciting season even though they have graduated many seniors.

“Though we have lost 18 senior players, we are still thrilled about this team which has brought out new additional athletes,” he said. …

Artist in Residence

Wednesday, August 16th, 2023

Artist in Residence

MAC News Release

The Molokai Arts Center (MAC) welcomes Artist in Residence Noelani M. Piters to our community. Noelani Piters is a Chinese, Kanaka Maoli and Jewish writer living in San Francisco, CA. She is a 2022 Kearny Street Workshop Interdisciplinary Writers Lab Fellow. Her poetry has been published in Reed Magazine and Pleiades, and she has contributed to The Rumpus and SOMA Magazine.

Noelani will be working on a short story collection centered around Hawaii, the Native Hawaiian diaspora, mixedness and what it means to belong. These stories will explore how immigration, colonization, family myth, mixed experience, the relationship to the land, inheritance and kuleana complicate and create identity.…

Molokai Irrigation System Rate Increase

Wednesday, August 16th, 2023

Molokai Farm Bureau News Release 

The Molokai Farm Bureau would like to remind those who receive water via the Molokai Irrigation System (MIS), that the Hawaii Department of Agriculture is holding a public hearing for their proposed 122 percent rate increase for water delivery services. An increase of 122 percent would increase an average monthly bill of $500 to $1,110 a month, or $1,000 to $2,220 a month. 

The public hearing will be on Aug. 22, from 5 to 7 p.m. by Zoom, at

Molokai residents can submit written testimony three different ways: via email at; via fax at (808) 973-9467; or postal mail to Agricultural Resource Management Division c/o Department of Agriculture, 1428 S.…

Memorial Scholarship Honors Firefighter

Wednesday, August 16th, 2023

Live Like Tre Foundation News Release 

Molokai students can now apply for scholarships through the Live Like Tre Foundation. The application deadline for the scholarships is Sept. 15. Recipients of the awards will be announced on Oct. 15.

The Live Like Tre’ Foundation’s scholarship program is in memory of Tre’ Evans-Dumaran, a remarkable young man who lived his life with tenacity, kindness, and a passion for making a positive impact in his community. Tre’ was known as a scholar athlete who embraced learning in all aspects of life. Tragically, he lost his life while answering a call for help from the Maui County to serve and protect his community.…

August Ace Winner

Wednesday, August 16th, 2023

August Ace Winner

Community Contributed

By Rick Schonely

Dr. Dana Takashima, retired dentist and Molokai professional golfer, is the August Ace winner for the Hui O Kukui Golf Club. Takashima, the better half of the Susumo Brothers, with Jeff Egusa, shot 42-38 for a gross score of 80. With his 13 handicap, his net 67 secured his victory. Takashima now qualifies for the Ace of Aces Club Championship in December. 

The Hui O Kukui Golf Club would like to thank the staff and management of iconic Ironwood Hills golf course for perpetuating the game of golf on Molokai. …