A’o ‘Aina Professional Development Program

Wednesday, September 13th, 2023

Kupu News Release 

Intermediate and high school educators on Molokai are eligible to apply for a paid professional development opportunity. Kupu, Hawaii’s leading conservation and environmental education nonprofit, recently announced that applications are open for the Aʻo ʻAina Professional Development Program. The deadline to apply is Friday, Sept. 29. Visit www.kupuhawaii.org/aoaina/  to apply. 

In partnership with the Malama Learning Center, this paid professional development opportunity for educators within the Department of Education on Oahu, Molokai, and Hawaii Island is designed to expose participants to careers and topics in natural resources and grow connections between educators and community organizations.…

Suette Kaoru Tollefsen

Wednesday, September 13th, 2023

Suette Kaoru Tollefsen

Suette Kaoru Tollefsen, age 73 of Waialua, Molokai, died on Aug. 29. Suette passed away in the comfort of her home with her family by her side, under the care of Hospice Maui. Suette was born to the late Harry and Aiko Panui on Sept. 19, 1949 in Lihue, Kauai. Preceding her death was her sister Jayde Nakihei and brother Tyson Panui. She is survived by husband Stephen Tollefsen, son Harry Tollefsen (Rietta), daughters Elizabeth “Liz” Coleman (Mike), Michelle Hiro (Raymond), Sybil Kapahulehua (Russell) and Stephanie “Panui” Tollefsen, brother Lambert Panui, sisters Elgie Spears (Dave), Adele and Fern Panui, as well as nine grandchildren, two great-grandchildren and many nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends.  …

Jonelle “Sweetie” Huelani Kaaihue

Wednesday, September 13th, 2023

Jonelle “Sweetie” Huelani Kaaihue

Jonelle “Sweetie” Huelani Kaaihue, 61, of Honolulu and formerly of Ho’olehua, Molokai died on Aug. 23, at her residence in Honolulu. She was born in Honolulu and was a certified substance abuse counselor. 

She is survived by her brother Joseph P. Kaaihue Jr. and sister Jolene L. Apostol, both of Ho’olehua, Molokai, nieces Laila K. Siaris of Ewa Beach, Oahu and Amber L. Apostol of Honolulu.  

Friends may pay their respects on Thursday, Sept. 28 at Nuuanu Memorial Park and Mortuary-East Chapel in Honolulu at 10:30 a.m. with service at 11 a.m. Services pending on the island of Molokai.…

Mental Health in Disasters

Wednesday, September 13th, 2023

When the World Trade Center was attacked, people were glued to their TVs.  When Hurricane Katrina struck Louisiana or the LA riots of 92’, we were cemented to the TV.  Now it is the ongoing recovery from the Lahaina fires.  But it’s different now, this is right across the water from Molokai.  This involves our home, our ‘ohana, our coworkers, and our friends.  It’s all over the news, social media, and it’s in the hearts and minds of our community, every day.  I set out to fish the shores of Molokai and I find myself staring at the charred remains of Lahaina.…

What is the Difference Between a Will and a Trust?

Wednesday, September 13th, 2023

What is the Difference Between a Will and a Trust?

Community Contributed

By Eileen M.S. Nims, J.D

This is one of the most common questions I receive as an estate attorney. The quick answer is that a trust does not go through probate court and a will does. Probate is a process that requires the family of a deceased person to open a case in the court of the county where the deceased person lived. So for Molokai, the probate case gets filed in Maui County. The will gets deposited with the court together with the petition to open the case. The court will then approve the executor and will monitor the progress this executor makes for the duration of the probate process.…

September Golf Ace

Wednesday, September 13th, 2023

September Golf Ace

Community Contributed

By Rick Schonely 

Greig Len Wai, the pride of Friendly Market Center and one of Molokai’s professional golfers, is the September Ace for the Hui O Kukui Golf Club. Len Wai shot 36-43 for a gross score of 79 and with his seven handicap his net 72 got him to victory.  Len Wai now qualifies for the Ace of Aces Club Championship in December. Congratulations Greigo!

The Hui O Kukui Golf Club would like to thank the staff and management of iconic Ironwood Hills Golf Course for perpetuating the game of golf on Molokai.…

Pule for Maui

Wednesday, September 13th, 2023

Pule for Maui

By Jack Kiyonaga, Editor 

On Sept. 1, Molokai joined a statewide prayer vigil for Maui with coordinated ceremonies at dawn, noon and sunset. Broadcasted statewide, the vigil, called Kipuni Aloha no Maui – “embrace beloved Maui” — united the Hawaii community in its sorrow over the devastating August fires. 

“The grief, hardship, and suffering our people are experiencing are unimaginable,” said Maui County Mayor Richard Bissen in a press release regarding the event. “The comfort of pule and the unyielding aloha we have been graced with from so many have made a profound difference as we make our way through the difficult days.…

First Molokai Winner for Miss HI Jr High Pageant

Wednesday, September 6th, 2023

First Molokai Winner for Miss HI Jr High Pageant

By Jack Kiyonaga, Editor 

Madisyn Howe rehearses in the mirror. 

“I just keep practicing my walks, my turns, the way I pose, the way I take pictures,” explained Howe, an eighth grader at Molokai Middle School.

Howe is the first Molokai girl to win the Miss Hawaii Jr High pageant. The contest included girls from all over the state competing in interviews, dance and fashion modeling at Oahu’s Paliku Theater on Aug. 20. 

“Coming from Molokai, it’s like you’re getting down and dirty with everything you do,” explained Howe. “I just want to let girls know they can bring it out if they want to walk in heels on stage in a dress.”…

Aloha for Maui

Wednesday, September 6th, 2023

Aloha for Maui

By Catherine Cluett Pactol | Reporter

Molokai ‘ohana gathered last week to create friendship bracelets to share aloha with Maui keiki affected by the fires. The bracelets were sent to Maui already, and participants hope they will bring smiles to the faces of their recipients. 

On Friday, the community took part in a statewide pule vigil for those who lost their lives in the Maui fires, for those who grieve them, and for rain, healing and the cleansing of the land. The Molokai events of the Kipuni Aloha no Maui (Embrace Beloved Maui) vigil were led by kumu Miki’ala Pescaia, and held at sunrise, noon and sunset. …

New Archaeological Findings

Wednesday, September 6th, 2023

New Archaeological Findings

By The Molokai Dispatch Staff 

Along the coast of Molokai, the spiny, purple ha’uke’uke, or helmet urchin, lives among opihi on the wave swept rocks. Although less commonly eaten today, new studies reveal the pivotal role this spiny urchin occupied hundreds of years ago. 

Archaeologist Marshall Weisler has been leading this study of ancient dietary habits on Molokai. Sifting through mounds of 500-year-old-post-dinner trash piles, Weisler has found new evidence for the kinds of foods critical to ancient diets. The study comprises 25 years of work, 10 sites along the north coast of west Molokai, and over 185,000 ha’uke’uke fragments. 

As the distinguished past of the ha’uke’uke is revealed, further details about how these animals were used as food, tools, cultural artifacts and more on Molokai have likewise come to light.…