New Archaeological Findings
By The Molokai Dispatch Staff
Along the coast of Molokai, the spiny, purple ha’uke’uke, or helmet urchin, lives among opihi on the wave swept rocks. Although less commonly eaten today, new studies reveal the pivotal role this spiny urchin occupied hundreds of years ago.
Archaeologist Marshall Weisler has been leading this study of ancient dietary habits on Molokai. Sifting through mounds of 500-year-old-post-dinner trash piles, Weisler has found new evidence for the kinds of foods critical to ancient diets. The study comprises 25 years of work, 10 sites along the north coast of west Molokai, and over 185,000 ha’uke’uke fragments.
As the distinguished past of the ha’uke’uke is revealed, further details about how these animals were used as food, tools, cultural artifacts and more on Molokai have likewise come to light.…