Apply for Department of Agriculture Grants

Thursday, June 13th, 2024

Maui County News Release

Specific grants for Molokai agriculture are now available for application. Part of a larger series of grants administered by the County of Maui Department of Agriculture, nonprofit and for-profit organizations in the Maui County agriculture sector, and qualified groups, are encouraged to apply until 4:30 p.m. on June 30.

Grants will be awarded in the following categories: agriculture operations, infrastructure, education, recovery, livestock, non-food agriculture, Lanai agriculture, and Molokai agriculture.

Applications and general requirements for applicants are available online at A request can also be made to have an application emailed by calling (808) 270-8276 or emailing…

Coastal Homestead Community Resilience Plan Begins

Thursday, June 13th, 2024

Coastal Homestead Community Resilience Plan Begins

Molokai community members are taking another important step in addressing sea level rise and climate change.
Dept. of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL) residents of Kalamaula, Kapa‘akea, and Kamiloloa One Ali‘i are encouraged to attend the second beneficiary meeting to discuss the Molokai Coastal Homestead Community Resilience Plan (MCH-CRP). This meeting is a critical step toward ensuring the sustainability and resilience of Molokai’s coastal communities.

The primary goal of this session is to identify key issues and hazards affecting each ahupua‘a, including flooding, erosion, deforestation, and wildfires. This meeting marks the initial step in developing solutions and initiating relevant projects to address these challenges.…

Kamaka Air Temporarily Halted

Thursday, June 13th, 2024

A lifeline cargo carrier to Molokai temporarily and suddenly stopped service last week. On Wednesday, June 5, news began to circulate that Kamaka Air, Molokai’s predominant air cargo service, had stopped flying.

Concern spread quickly, especially amongst Molokai businesses.

Kim Svetin, President of Molokai Drugs, explained that the drug store relies on three to four shipments from Kamaka Air every week – especially for high value drugs that need to be refrigerated.

“I can’t manufacture COVID-19 vaccines on-island,” said Svetin.

State restrictions on shipping hazardous materials, like certain medicines and vaccines, means that medical providers like Molokai Drugs and Molokai General Hospital can’t use passenger airlines like Mokulele to ship medicine.…

Telecom Provider Stops Service

Thursday, June 13th, 2024

Sandwich Isles Communications (SIC) says that phone and internet services will stop by the end of the first week of June, despite orders from Governor Josh Green and the state Public Utilities Commission.

SIC had been the exclusive supplier of telecommunications for Hawaiian Home Lands for nearly 30 years, explained Albert Hee, founder and former president of SIC. He calls the ceasing of service “strictly a financial decision.”

“We will not be serving beyond the end of this week,” Hee told the Dispatch. On June 5, SIC customers received notice that as of June 8, all phone and internet service would be disconnected.…

The King’s Gala

Thursday, June 13th, 2024

The King’s Gala

Molokai celebrated King Kamehameha I Day early this year with the King’s Gala. On Friday June 7, Molokai community members gathered at Hiro’s Ohana Grill to commemorate the third annual King’s Gala, organized by nonprofit Ho’omohala O Molokai.

Kamehameha Day has been celebrated since 1872, when King Kamehameha V established it in honor of his grandfather, Kamehameha I. This year’s celebration included a fashion show by Kalae Tangonan’s Kupu A’e Molokai, amongst musical and hula performances.

To the backdrop of Keaka Kaiama’s singing, Molokai wahine modeled Tangonan’s batik and silk screen designs.

“Every piece is original. You can’t duplicate it,” said Tangonan.…

Clift Cairncross Cullen

Wednesday, June 5th, 2024

Clift Cairncross Cullen

Clift Cairncross Cullen, known as Cairn, age 84, of Clovis, California passed away on Saturday, April 13, 2024. Although he was born in San Francisco on Sept. 27, 1939 to Herbert Francis Cullen and Gretchen Heilborn Cullen (Bierbach), Cairn was raised on the island of Oahu, Hawaii and always considered it home. Cairn was a Punahou School and University of Southern California graduate, and a teacher at CSU Fresno for 42 years. He is predeceased by his girlfriend of 51 years, Barbara Bradberry.
Cairn loved challenging projects of all sizes and he took on one of his largest in 2013 when he purchased an abandoned parcel of land on Molokai.…

The MOM Hui Announces Scholarship Recipients

Wednesday, June 5th, 2024

The MOM Hui News Release

The MOM Hui is proud to announce the 2024-25 Hoʻola Hou scholarship recipients: Hazel Carey, Leihiwahiwa Ritte, Kuʻulei-Aloha Simon, and Mallory Go. These outstanding students have been recognized for their exceptional academic achievements, leadership skills, and dedication to their communities.
Hazel Carey, a 2024 graduate from Molokai High School, will be attending Kapiʻolani Community College on Oahu, to pursue an associate’s degree in nursing.
Leihiwahiwa Ritte, a current student at Willamette University in Oregon, is focused on earning a bachelor’s degree in archaeology and environmental science.
Kuʻulei-Aloha Simon, a 2024 graduate from Molokai High School, will be attending Weber State University in Utah to pursue a bachelor’s degree in medical imaging and radiology.…

Historic Molokai Newspapers Digitized for Public Access

Wednesday, June 5th, 2024

Historic Molokai Newspapers Digitized for Public Access

Ka Ipu Makani Cultural Heritage Center News Release
Ka Ipu Makani Cultural Heritage Center’s Moaʻe Molokai Digital Repository is excited to announce the release of over 1,300 newspaper scans from the 1950s. Supported by a grant from the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, these scans include 287 issues from the Ka Leo o Molokai and the Friendly Isle News. Ka Leo o Molokai, printed in English, graced the island’s readers weekly from Dec. 8, 1950, to Nov. 11, 1955. Sponsored by the Molokai Chamber of Commerce and managed by the Molokai Civic Group Advisory Board, it operated under the guidance of Dorothy Tanner and Louise Borsella, with Marie Horner at the editorial helm.…

Come Celebrate the HECM Graduates

Wednesday, June 5th, 2024

HECM News Release
Hoahu Energy Cooperative Molokai (HECM) is hosting a ceremony for the graduates of the 2024 Clean Energy Solar Sales Training. The ceremony will be held on Monday, June 10, at 5:30 p.m. at the OHA Conference Room at Kulana Oiwi, Kaunakakai. These graduates have been engaged during the spring 2024 term with exploring the world of solar sales. They have learned the ins and outs of solar technology, how to effectively provide solar systems to potential clients, and how to overcome common objections. They received guidance through real-world scenarios and were given valuable techniques for successful solar sales.…

Temporary Office Closure

Wednesday, June 5th, 2024

Maui County News Release

The County of Maui Department of Finance Real Property Assessment Division office located at Mitchell Pauole Center on Molokai is closed temporarily through Friday, June 14, due to a staffing shortage. The office will reopen on June 14 for its regular hours from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. For property tax payments and circuit breaker questions, call (800) 272-0117 and ask for Real Property Treasury or call (808) 270-7697. For other property questions, call (800) 272-0117 and ask for Real Property Assessment or call (808) 270-7297. More information is available at or by emailing…