DOH Launches Beat Diabetes Prevention Program

Friday, July 26th, 2024

DOH Launches Beat Diabetes Prevention Program

DOH News Release

The Hawaiʻi State Department of Health recently launched a new public service announcement campaign to motivate people with prediabetes to adopt healthier behaviors to prevent Type 2 diabetes. The public is encouraged to take the Prediabetes Risk Assessment and talk with a health care provider about the need for additional testing. For people with blood glucose levels in the prediabetes range, participation in a lifestyle change program, like the Beat Diabetes Prevention Program, can lower the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.
Type 2 diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in Hawai‘i and the number one cause of blindness, kidney failure, and lower limb amputations in the U.S.…

County Seeking Input on Potential Intracounty Ferry

Friday, July 26th, 2024

Maui County News Release

The County of Maui is seeking resident feedback in person and online about a potential ferry service to connect Lānaʻi and Molokai with Maui.
Community members are asked to provide input on demand, routes and other preferences for a possible intracounty ferry. Options are being assessed in the Maui County Ferry Feasibility Study, a Maui County Council-initiated report that is being conducted by the County Department of Transportation. The study is anticipated to be finalized and presented to Council for consideration in February.
Residents are encouraged to take the online Maui County Ferry Feasibility Study Passenger Survey at…

Talk Story with Rapa Nui Film Producer Saturday

Friday, July 26th, 2024

MAC News Release

Join us as we present “MAC Talk” or a “talk story” session with film of writer/director Sofia Rodriguez who hails from Rapa-Nui/Easter Island. The event is scheduled for Saturday, July 27, from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Molokai Arts Center.
Rodriguez will be sharing “Marahoro,” a film she produced. This film is about the amusing and heartwarming coming of age story of 12-year-old Marahoro’s typical summer routine on his island home, Rapa Nui. The film was shot in Rapa Nui/Easter Island. It has a 100 percent Rapa Nui-ethnic cast confirmed and a multicultural crew made up of Chileans, Rapa Nui and one Maori-New Zealander (cinematographer Fred Renata).…

Molokai Preschool Is ‘Where the Wild Things Are’

Friday, July 26th, 2024

Molokai Preschool Is ‘Where the Wild Things Are’

MEO News Release

The “Where the Wild Things Are” summer for the preschoolers in the Molokai Head Start program concluded with a Rumpus Dance around the Maui Economic Opportunity Kaunakakai office earlier this month.
Head Start staff turned their summer session classroom into the forest where Max encounters the “Wild Things” in author and artist Maurice Sendak’s classic children’s book. Vines hung from ceiling windows, and pictures and dolls of the Wild Things, Max and his crown adorned the classroom.
Preschoolers engaged in lessons including language arts, math, science and music, as well as arts and crafts aligned with the Wild Things theme.…

Molokai Heritage Trust Moving Forward

Friday, July 26th, 2024

Molokai Heritage Trust Moving Forward

The Molokai Heritage Trust (MHT) is more than halfway through its membership drive and community information sessions. About 20 people attended a meeting at Mitchell Pau‘ole Center July 15 — the third of 10 planned meetings. By the closing of this issue, three additional meetings were held on the island.
“We are hoping this is going to be the beginning of a monumental moment for Molokai,” said Zhantell Dudoit Lindo, a founding member of the trust.
Ultimately, MHT wants to purchase more than 55,000 acres of land — about a third of the island — owned by Molokai Ranch. The trust would then manage the lands through an elected Board of Directors.…

Keiki Clean Up Beaches at the Wharf, Canoe Club

Friday, July 26th, 2024

Keiki Clean Up Beaches at the Wharf, Canoe Club

A three-prong partnership brought together several dozens of keiki to a beach cleanup at Kaunakakai Wharf and at the Molokai Canoe Club Friday morning, gathering about 50 pounds of trash and 100 pounds of invasive red mangrove seedlings.
“This is our second year hosting the beach cleanup with Molokai Holokai,” said Sonja Angst, marketing communications manager at the nonprofit organization Sust‘āinable Molokai.
Angst said about 75 children from Maui County’s Summer PALS program, plus a handful of other keiki from the community showed up at the wharf for the cleanup. The children filled three large bags – two filled with snapped mangrove seedlings and another filled with trash picked up on the shoreline.…

2024 Molokai Holokai Ho‘olaule‘a

Friday, July 26th, 2024

2024 Molokai Holokai Ho‘olaule‘a

More than 220 waterman and waterwomen took on the challenge to race across 27 miles over the Pailolo Channel, starting on Maui’s Fleming Beach and arriving at Kaunakakai Wharf on Molokai July 19. The Maui to Molokai Challenge officially kicked off the 2024 Molokai Holokai Ho‘olaue‘a – two days of sports competitions, live music, gathering, cultural workshops and environmental education.

“Molokai Holokai is really a community event,” said Clare Albino, one of the organizers together with Kelly A‘awa. “It’s really to inspire our youth.”

The Maui to Molokai Challenge was first held in 2003. In 2010, Molokai added a 10-mile race from Kamalo to Kaunakakai.…

Molokai Man Found Guilty in 2022 Murder

Friday, July 19th, 2024

Molokai Man Found Guilty in 2022 Murder

By The Molokai Dispatch Staff

Mariano Garces, 61, of Molokai, was found guilty in the 2022 death of 43-year-old Aime Kaholoa‘a in November 2022 at his house in Kaunakakai.
It took a jury about five hours on July 3 to issue the verdict of murder in the second degree.
Court records showed a history of domestic violence in their relationship. About a year before her death, Kaholoa‘a had filed a petition for a temporary restraining order against Garces for domestic abuse.
Garces faces life in prison with the possibility of parole at his sentencing, scheduled for Sept. 26.…

Program Bridges Nutrition Gap for Keiki in Summer

Friday, July 19th, 2024

DHS News Release

The Department of Human Services announced the launch of the SUN Bucks program application on July 5. DHS is disbursing this benefit and working with the Hawai‘i Department of Education to implement the SUN Bucks program for school-aged children this summer, according to a DHS news release.
Summer EBT, also called SUN Bucks, is a new and permanent program to provide benefits to households with school-aged children to purchase food during the summer. Households will receive $177 for each qualifying child, to be spent during the summer months. Eligibility must be established annually.
School-aged children are automatically eligible for SUN Bucks if:
● The child was in a household that participated in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) in any month from July 1, 2023 through August 4, 2024; or
● The child has been identified as a ward of the state (foster child), or identified by their school as homeless, migrant, or runaway; or
● The child attended a school that offers the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), and the household applied for and was approved for free or reduced-price school meals.…

July Golf Ace

Friday, July 19th, 2024

July Golf Ace

Community Contributed
By: Rick Schonely

Charles “Kawai” Puaa-Spencer is the July Ace winner for the Hui O Kukui Golf Club. Puaa-Spencer, firefighter and bus driver extraordinaire and one of the famous Spencer Twins with brother Kamoana, shot 44-46 for a gross total of 90 and with his 28 handicap his 62 net score earned him the victory. Congratulations Kawai!
The Hui O Kukui Golf Club would like to thank the staff and management of the iconic Ironwood Hills golf course for perpetuating the game of golf on Molokai.…