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New Fuel Facility at Kalaupapa

NPS News Release

The National Park Service (NPS) is requesting public input on a proposal to construct a new fuel facility at Kalaupapa National Historical Park and is releasing an environmental assessment (EA) for a 30-day review period from April 19 to May 19, 2024. The EA has been prepared to meet both the project implementation requirements of the state and federal government in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act and the Hawaii Environmental Policy Act, and analyzes the environmental impacts of a no action alternative and the proposed action alternative.
The proposed facility would be located east of Staff Row and the Damien Loop intersection. The purpose of the project is to provide the park and the settlement with a reliable fuel facility that is safe, easily serviceable, complies with federal regulations, and is outside the tsunami inundation zone. The new fuel facility will replace the current fuel facility servicing the Kalaupapa Settlement managed by the State of Hawaii Department of Health. The facility is proposed for construction in 2025.
The Environmental Assessment is available at nps.gov under ParkPlanning – Construct New Fuel Storage and Dispensing System.
Comments can be submitted electronically via nps.gov, emailed to KALA_consultation@nps.gov, or mailed to Kalaupapa National Historical Park, Superintendent, Fuel Facility Project, 290 Beretania St Box 2222 Kalaupapa, HI 96742.


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