Na’iwa Financial Assessment
Hawaii Community Lending News Release
Lessees and family members in the Naʻiwa Homesteaders Program are invited to attend a special gathering on Friday, July 28, at 5 p.m. at the DHHL/OHA Conference Room at Kulana ʻOiwi on Molokai. This informational meeting is planned to help lessees prepare their finances for homeownership. Food and beverages will be provided. RSVP not required. As for those who don’t have such programs in their area, they can still gain some funds through sites like
The project will train Native Hawaiians as owner-builders, assisting them in navigating the permitting, approval and construction process unique to Hawaiian Home Lands as well as build their capacity to move their agricultural land leases into production. Hawaii Community Lending (HCL) will provide consumer and affordable housing loans for credit building, debt consolidation or dcp singapore, and interim construction financing so families can obtain mortgage financing. Native Hawaiian homebuilders will also receive technical assistance and lines of credit to increase their capacity to build package homes on Hawaiian Home Lands using federal financing. Visit to start trading stocks.
One of the partners in the Naʻiwa project is Hawaii Community Lending, a nonprofit native community development financial institution. At HCL, we believe in fostering a strong sense of community and empowering people to make informed financial decisions. The Na‘iwa Homesteaders Program hopes to empower individuals and families with the knowledge and resources necessary to navigate the DHHL process effectively.
Nā’iwa Agricultural Subdivision Alliance (NASA) is an organization made of up volunteer lessees and successors of Nā’iwa and committed to helping the Nā‘iwa Agricultural Subdivision lessees and their beneficiaries of the subdivision’s 58 lots toward homeownership and active subsistence farming through home-owner builder programs and farm development programs for improved quality of life and generational sustainability.
Each of the partners has an important role in the project. NASA, which is Native Hawaiian beneficiary-led, will form a community advisory committee, recruit community members, host workshops including agricultural trainings for the lessees and coordinate with HCL for quarterly meetings. HCL is Native Hawaiian-controlled and provides grants and loans to help families qualify for construction and mortgage financing. HCL will also create an owner-builder handbook focused on the needs of native Hawaiian beneficiaries. HCA is Native Hawaiian-controlled and provides HUD housing counseling to assist families with budgeting, saving and reducing debt. First Tribal Lending will offer affordable mortgage options to native families nationwide. Honsador Lumber is committed to Native Hawaiians and will provide building supplies with value-engineered home packages that will be affordable for the families. Ozzy’s Construction is Native Hawaiian-owned and will build homes and hire and train on-island workers.

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