Na Mele o Maui
Molokai students win second in song competition.
Molokai students made a noteworthy showing at this year’s Na Mele o Maui, the 37th annual song competition to showcase the talents of Maui County’s youth. Kula Kaiapuni `o Kualapu`u, the Hawaiian Immersion program at Kuapapu`u School, came in second place in their division. Students from Aka`ula School also participated in the competition held on Nov. 19 at Maui Arts and Cultural Center. Below, students write about their experiences on Maui.
He Hau`oli Ka Ukali o Ka Lanakila
By Kamalani Puailihau and Kumu Poepoe, Kula Kaiapuni `o Kualapu`u
raised his arms and we sang. We had been practicing for so long it felt good to let it out to a crowd. I’m guessing there were 300 people out there. On stage, I was freaking out in my head hoping I would do a good job, but in the end, when I walked off stage, I realized it felt really good.
While we were on Maui, it wasn’t all about Na Mele. We stayed at the Hawaii Nature Center and got to visit their Museum. There were lots of fun games and my favorite was the one where you pretend to be a dragonfly and fly through nature. We also went hiking and saw lots of pretty plants at Iao Needle. It was a very, very, fun trip. Next year I want to do it again.
On behalf of all the students who went to Maui, I want to say mahalo to the adults who helped prepare the wonderful food and brought us the bento lunches: Auntie Marian Dudoit, Aunty Brenda Aea, and Uncle Isaac and Auntie Fely Kahalewai.

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