More Time for Learning
Community Contributed
By Lydia Trinidad
In a time of unfortunate educational cutbacks and furloughs, Kualapu`u School is able to expand their hours of instruction starting this school year.
The initiative to expand learning opportunities and the school day was unanimously approved by the Charter School Review Panel on July 8, 2010, who was impressed by the school’s planning which extended back to July 2009.
Starting the first day of school, Wednesday, August 4, the extra hour will give students additional academic and enrichment classes. In addition, bus service will be adjusted as needed. Here are some details parents and students will need to know.
• Students return on Wednesday, August 4, Monday through Friday.
• School Starts at 7:45 a.m. and ends at 2:45 p.m.
• Students will be released at 12:30 p.m. on selected Wednesdays. First semester days will be August 25, September 22, October 27, and November 24.
• Students will have PE everyday.
• One snack will be provided for students each day. You may want to pack another snack if you wish.
• All students would have Computer, Library, Ike Hawaii, Visual Arts, and Performing Arts weekly.
• Pre-Kindergarten students will have a regular schedule and be released at 1:30 p.m.
The school has mailed out information to each family registered at Kualapu`u School. Any additional information and changes will be sent home with the students. Please also know that school uniforms are available for purchase. Contact Tarrah Horner, School Family Facilitator, if you have any questions about uniforms.

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