Molokai’s Coconut Wireless
Sometimes on Molokai one spears a manini (convict fish) on the east end, and by the time it gets to the west end it’s a whale! I’ve been approached by some people looking confused….”Larry, I thought you died.” A quick response, “Then how come I didn’t see you at my funeral?” Yes, I had an aorta valve replacement again with an animal valve. Eleven years ago it was a bovine “bull” – today I have a pig (hopefully a boar) valve. Now you can sing to me, “Old McDonald had a farm, moo moo there and an oink oink here.” It was major open heart surgery, I am recovering one day at a time. If I follow the recovery recipe, I’ll be perking like a percolator again. I get another chance to finish my “bucket list.” Medical research and technology is amazing.
Some quick points on issues:
– No, Molokai Vets do not have a settlement with the lawsuit against Maui County. Long story I will address soon.
– Some vets are asking who is Jesse Church? He is a disabled Marine Vietnam Vet who belongs to MVCV and volunteered to write on Molokai veteran and all veteran issues. Mahalo Jesse.
– Now with chaos in the middle east – oil over a $100 a barrel in the name of national security means Molokai will become the capital in Hawaii for windmill farms? Can West Molokai and any part of Molokai be executed by the state or federal government with eminent domain for wind energy in the name of energy independence? Wow! The dollar is getting bigger and bigger. The TV show “The Price is Right” says come on down…something to think about folks.
Mahalo to all for the prayers and well wishes. With Akua’s blessing, I’ll be back for a long time.
Larry Helm

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