Molokai Is… Round 5
Vote Now! New contest starts next week.
For some Molokai is literally a home; a place we invest every waking moment toward living in. For others, Molokai is home to the heart; a place so dear, it is held in the same regard as family. Leilani and Hanohano are our final contestants this year and they do well to explain the literal and symbolic home that Molokai is. Would you like to see one of them win $50 to the Kualapu`u Cookhouse? Great – just go online to and vote for either of them in the comments.
I hope everyone had fun with the Molokai Is contests of 2010. Still want your own $50 gift certificate to the Cookhouse? Check out submission guidelines for the new photo contest (on this page). Mahalo Molokai for your contributions.
Moloka`i is… Home Sweet Home
Farmers and fisherman
Hunters and hula dancers
Paniolos and baseball players
Fishponds and fresh water springs
Makahiki games and the Hula piko
Throwing net and throwing pole
Shining light for deer and for a`ama crabs
Lanikaula, the kukui forest and the most powerful kahuna in all of Hawai`i nei
Where white doesn’t mean your haole but if that word makes you feel uncomfortable, then you probably are one
Where natives and kama’aina love and would never change
Where outsiders think they can make better
The best place in the world to make and raise keiki
Moloka`i Nui a Hina, Moloka`i `Aina Momona,
Moloka`i Pule O`o, Moloka`i No Ka Heke
Summertime behind the island in Wailau valley
Sunrises and Maurice Point and sunsets and La`au Point
Hui Ala Loa and the fight to save Kaho`olawe
Kalama`ula and the first Hawaiian homesteaders
Mana`e, my birthsands, a place I call home
The eventual resting place of my bones
Moloka`i Sweet Home
Hanohano Naehu, Ho`olehua
Molokai Photo Contest
It’s time again to share your vision of Molokai – and by vision, we mean exactly that. Send us a visual representation of Molokai. A photo that captures Molokai’s unique essence – it could be a stunning landscape, a self portrait, even something comical.
That’s right. The Molokai contest is now a photo contest! Share what Molokai means to you in a creative, intuitive, or striking way with your camera. One winner will be picked monthly to have their photo featured on the front page of The Molokai Dispatch and win a $50 Kualapu`u Cookhouse gift certificate – onolicious!
Each photo submission must include a caption, as well as the contestant’s full name, phone number and a headshot. Kids, ask your parents or teachers for permission. Submit entries of all file formats via email (, in person at our Kaunakakai office (Moore building suite 5), or by snail mail (PO Box 482219, Kaunakakai, HI 96748).

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