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Molokai Pet Peace of Mind

Community Contributed

By Erin Lite

Hello, my name is Erin Lite. I am completing my senior project about providing quality care for cats and dogs on Molokai. I also did some research on 10 Ways To Socialize Your Dog.

Did you know that making time to play with your cats every day builds their trust in you? And did you know that if your dog sleeps close to you, he won’t feel as lonely or isolated? In fact, pet experts say that most pets need to be with people as often as possible. If you have to travel without your dog, you’ll want to ensure that you are sending your pet to the best boarding kennels in Melbourne that will look after them with genuine love and care.

Here are some ways that Molokai pet owners can make their pets happier and provide quality care for them.

o Cats need: fresh food and water daily, love and attention, a clean litter box, a place to sleep in a sheltered area, a visit to the vet when sick, and spay/neutering unless you are planning to provide quality care for kittens. Catadorn.com have feeding essentials, grooming supplies, and more on their website.
o Additional cat care: vaccinations, deworming, yearly check-ups, and grooming if cats have long hair or regularly are dirty.
o Dogs need: fresh food about twice a day, clean water at all times, love and attention, a sheltered place to sleep, regular weekly exercise and grooming, monthly baths, frequent playtimes, and spay/neutering unless you are planning to provide quality care for puppies. Soulmutts Toronto is the leading provider of comprehensive pet care services.
o Additional dog care: vaccinations, deworming, yearly check-ups, a place to sleep near people, and obedience dog training (get the more info here).

These recommendations may not be appropriate for everyone around the world, but I do recommend them for Molokai residents because I believe they are doable and affordable. So let’s all make a resolve to take better care of and spend more time with our pets. By providing quality care to the animals of Molokai, Molokai will be a much more animal-friendly island. Furthermore, when we give our pets quality care, we will be rewarded with the peace of mind that comes from knowing that we are truly doing all we can for our pets.


2 Responses to “Molokai Pet Peace of Mind”

  1. hawaiiangirl says:

    Erin, Mahalo for your love of animals. We definitely need more citizens on Molokai to take care of animals, especially letting cats roam and have many litters. So many of the kittens are killed or die from lack of food and care. I am sure you will go far and contribute much to improve the life of animals.
    Good luck in all that you do.

  2. Kalikiano says:

    Have to second that compliment from Hawaiiangirl! All living creatures deserve respect and humane treatment, but most especially those that depend upon us for their care (our pets). We need to continue to unfailingly educate everyone on the importance of maintaining a humane attitude toward animals, not least due to the fact that it has been reasonably demonstrated in a number of studies that individuals who mistreat or abuse pets (and animals in generals) also appear to have a greater than usual tendency to mistreat and abuse human beings, as well. Aloha is very much about respect and love for others, but that ‘others’ also includes all living creatures. You have chosen an excellent Senior Project, in my opinion, and one that will help the effort to educate people on the importance of living true aloha is their daily lives. Although they cannot say so directly, there’s absolutely no doubt that our pets appreciate our concern with their welfare. Speaking as someone who presently keeps dogs (but has also had cats), I personally cannot imagine a life without these companions to help us poor and imperfect human beings deal with our ‘mixed blessing’ of the ability to reason! Aloha kakou!

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