Molokai Leads State at Hawaiian Gathering
There is a traditional Molokai chant that tells of a prophecy made by the kahuna of Paku`i: After the ali`i have fallen, the common people will come together and hold Hawaii up.
That prophecy, in a way, came true last weekend in Honolulu. Three years after Act 212 set out to reestablish `Aha Moku councils, the ancient resource management system, nearly 200 representatives from each island, including Ni`ihau and Kaho`olawe, met to discuss their progress.
all kinds of issues but where we’re at right now, it’s about building a power base,” Karen Kamalu Poepoe said.
With divisive issues like development on La`au Point and windmills on homestead land fresh in their minds, some see a role for the councils beyond resource management – they are a way to unite the community.
“I really feel this is a mechanism that we can live by,” said Wayde Lee, the Palau moku representative, adding he is anxious to see it in action.
“I’m ready, I’m committed. Come on, let’s go!”
To learn more about Molokai’s moku council and how to get involved, contact Mac and Karen Poepoe at 567-6150 or

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