
Molokai Is…Photo Contest Winner!

Enter now for Round IV

Congratulations to Molokai Is…Round III photo contest winner – Steve Eminger! He describes Molokai as “culture, place and people” while depicting Molokai’s timeless essence.

We are continuing Molokai Is… Photo Contest Round IV next month. Share what Molokai means to you and your photo could be featured on the front page of The Molokai Dispatch. One winner per month will earn a $50 Kualapu`u Cookhouse gift certificate.

Each photo submission must include a caption, as well as the contestant’s full name and phone number. Each contestant may submit up to three photos. Submit entries of all file formats via email (Editor@TheMolokaiDispatch.com), in person at our Kaunakakai office (Moore building suite 5), or by snail mail (PO Box 482219, Kaunakakai, HI 96748). Deadline is Friday, August 27.


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