Molokai – Future of a Hawaiian Island
The birth of a new vision for Molokai.
Last Wednesday, an organized group of `opio (youth) presented a 30 page document that captures three decades of community planning on the Friendly Isle. The following is an overview listing topics discussed in the document. To view the entire document, go to
The people of Molokai have a clear vision for the island’s future based on the values of pono and aloha '?ina. Over the years numerous community plans have attempted to articulate this vision, and proposed projects aimed at creating a diversified and sustainable economy for Molokai. This document attempts to answer a question many have asked the Molokai community: "OK, so what do you want?"
Culture: Hawaiian culture is the foundation upon which we build the future of Molokai. The '?ina and all of its natural resources will be protected and preserved for future generations.
Education: In ancient times, Molokai was a renowned piko (center) of learning, one that produced experts of the highest level in all aspects of life. Molokai will be a place to learn Hawaiian culture—to live Hawaiian culture—and education will become one of Molokai’s economic pillars.
Agriculture/Aquaculture: Agriculture remains the most supported industry on the island. Molokai's water limitations influence our decision to promote family farms, traditional food crops, diversified production, value-added products, the education of our youth, and—most importantly—the protection and best use of agricultural lands and water.
Environment: Our relationship to the natural environment is guided by the concept of aloha '?ina (love for the land). We support projects that will protect and enhance our natural resources, such as: Reforestation, Watershed Protection, Soil Reclamation, Greening of Molokai, Wind Breaks, Renewable Energy, etc. These projects will also create environmental job opportunities.
Subsistence: Subsistence is an important part of Molokai’s hidden economy and a key to food sustainability and self-sufficiency. Therefore, subsistence needs to be recognized, protected, and enhanced through initiatives such as the creation of a Molokai Shoreline Management Plan.
Tourism: Tourism presents great challenges and also great potential returns for Molokai. Keeping Molokai, Molokai through Hawaiian culture and community involvement is a priority. A clear plan to control speculative land sales, along with escalating land values and property taxes, is needed. Molokai also needs to recognize its limitations such as water supply, airline seats, rooms, cars etc. in determining its tourism plan.
Governance: We will protect our lands from inflation/taxes through legislation, and we will m?lama our natural resources by implementing the traditional 'Aha Moku system of land management. We need to begin the process of becoming our own county.
If you would like to comment on or take part in contributing to this plan, please contact Todd Yamashita at the Molokai Dispatch: 552-2781 or

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